[Chapter 3] Magenta Man Is A Problem

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John POV

"Alex, stop!" I yell at the kid who is continually punching Thomas. Not saying he doesn't deserve it, but the Alex doesn't need to get in trouble on his first day. I run over to the fight and try to drag Alex off of Thomas. Both of them have bloody knuckles and faces. When I get to them, Alex is still trying to throw punches at Thomas while Thomas is slowly backing away from him. I grab Alex's arms, holding him back from Thomas. The two are still in a yelling match, and Alex is clearly winning it. People have their phones out to record it all. Alexander, what am I going to do with you, I think still holding him back.

"What is going on?!" I hear Washington's booming voice through the hallway. The other kids quickly put their phones away and continue with walking to lunch. I let go of Alexander, and thank goodness he stops to lunge at Thomas while Thomas stands up and brushes himself off.

"Hamilton punched me in the face, sir! I was trying to defend myself," Thomas speaks first. I shake my head at the half-lie Thomas told.

"Not true! Thomas offended me twice! He aggravated me! This is all his fault!" Hamilton argues back to Washington. The older man just shakes his head at the two in disappointment.

"Detention after school, both of you," Washington says sternly. Hamilton just lets his head drop out of shame and he walks towards me. Thomas is trying to argue with Washington, but he's taking none of it.

"You don't know what I'll do to your career! I can ruin your reputation in a minute!" Thomas yells at Washington in anger. He just shakes his head and grabs Thomas's shoulder.

"Your tricks don't work on me, Jefferson. My name can take a lot. You wanna make detention longer for you? Keep talking and you'll find out what I can do," Washington says in a hushed tone. Jefferson was about to argue, but Washington raised an eyebrow and Jefferson shut his mouth. I smirk at that. Finally getting shut up and one upped for once. Washington walks away from us and Alex and I start to walk towards the cafeteria.

"Getting into fights on your first day, I see," I say with a smirk and he glances up at me. I laugh, signaling that I was joking, and he laughs with me. Like a full blown laugh, not a small chuckle. I look at him laughing and he has the most beautiful deep violet eyes. Shining and getting brighter when the sun hits them at the right angle. Alex also has ruthless curls in his hair, looking like a bush. Not saying that it looks bad, as it gives him personality and style. Its reddish orange color makes it really pop. His figure makes him look kinda... cute. What am I thinking? I can't have a crush on him, we just met! And my father... doesn't really like gay people. I haven't told anyone, but I'm gay, so I'm a contradiction to my fathers ways and beliefs.

We finally made it to the crowded cafeteria. The lunch line swirls around to the back of the big room. I didn't even realize that Alex was going on a ramble this whole time. I blink and finally hear his confident voice. It's kinda high pitched, which makes him even cuter.

"Hey John! Over here!" I hear my friend Hercules Mulligan yell in his deep voice. I pull Alexander's arm towards his table and we speed walk before all the seats are taken up. I've created quite the friend group. All of the Schuyler sisters, Herc, Marquis de Lafayette. We have had such a strong bond since we first met. We make it to the table and I sit Alex down right beside me. Lafayette and Herc look at him in confusion while the Schuyler sisters look at him in surprise.

"Hi guys, I'm Alexander Hamilton, but you can call me Alex," He says quieter. He wasn't like that to me when we were walking here. I mean, he's still getting in the groove of things around here, especially in the middle of the year. One part of me hopes that he feels more alive than ever when it's just the two of us, but another part of me says that he's just got here, so he's still a bit untrusting of every one, including me.

"Bonjour Alex! Je m'appelle Lafayette. Ça va?" Lafayette asks in French, and I shake my head.

"Laf! What if he doesn't know Fre-"

"Oui, Et toi?" I get cut off by Alex responding to Lafayette's question in French. I see Lafayette's eyes widen in happiness, and starts to jump up and down in his seat.

"Oui! John, he knows French! You should keep him around, mon ami," Lafayette says as he looks at me with his eyes filling to the brim with joy. I laugh as I look back at Alex and he just shrugs.

"Hey, I'm Hercules Mulligan, but you can call me Herc," Mulligan says to Alexander as the two of them shake hands. He's getting along just fine with everyone. He's already talking to the Schylur's so maybe he met them before lunch. I start a conversation about how I love turtles and that leads me and the others down a rabbit hole of things.

Alex and I have so many things in common, it's crazy. We both love animals, reading, even down to the little things like our grammar is the same. We agree on what things should and shouldn't be. During that time, we've become best friends, seemingly inseparable. With every conversation, Alex speaks up more and more, gaining confidence with every word.

Soon we have the 5 minute bell of lunch almost being over. The conversation settles down at our table, mostly because people are focusing on their backs and phones. Alex and I still have small talk here and there, keeping small chatter alive at our table.

"Hey, can I get your number?" I suddenly ask Alexander, making his head and Peggy's snap up from their phones. Peggy leans forward so she can have a view of Alex and I talking.

"Sure, what for?" Alex responds as he opens his contacts, showing his number to me.

"Just to keep in contact, you know," I say back, and he just shrugs at the information. Soon I get his number and hit him with a text to confirm it's his. I hear a ping from his phone, and he gives me a thumbs up. We all soon hear the bell ring loudly, echoing across the school. We pick our things and start to flood into the hallway.

"Hey, uh can you come over today? Just so we can get to know each other better and hang out," I say to Alex who has the same class as me again. I blush at saying this because I just invited my crush over to my house. Big step, opposite from the baby steps we want. It's the first day I've ever met the handsome boy. Wait John, slow down.

"Sure, I was going to ask you the same thing," Alex responds back to me, and I feel like I'm in heaven right now. We really do think alike. I walked to my next class with the boy who slipped into my heart.

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