[Chapter 1] The Slip That Started This All

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Alexander POV

I walk into a grand hallway with walls built out of marble, towering over my head. They're at least 50 feet tall. There are multiple pillars supporting it and the roof. The floor is sleek quartz, having a slight shine and slip to it. Walking into King's High School was like a movie scene. Everything was so pristine, so clean, which thank goodness. It is completely different from Nevis. Trash would rule the streets, with wild cans and beer bottles drowning the roads. Trees around power lines, branches entwined into the wires. Multiple wild wood planks no one bothered to pick up from the... hurricane. I slightly shudder from the dark memory. The high, unruly winds with immeasurable speeds, the rain pouring down on the island like there was no tomorrow. My brother swept away by the waters, screaming my name, tears filled his eyes. The screams and cries for help. Oh poor James, I'm so sorry. I feel a burning sensation in my throat when thinking about him, though I push it down before I can feel the tears bubbling, threatening to fall from my eyes. I shut my eyes and start to walk towards the school's main office with the map in my left hand.

I make myself as small as possible to cruise through the big crowds. My head down, arms close to my side, mouth shut, not daring to make another noise. I mumble apologies when I slightly bump into people. I don't pay attention to where I'm walking because next thing I know is that I'm on the ground, my books several feet away from me. The stinging feeling in my neck, barely there, makes me aware of my surroundings. I open my eyes to someone speaking close to me.

"Hey! Are you okay? That was a pretty big slip," A man said in a thick southern accent. He has his hand in front of my face, offering me to take it and get up. I silently accept the offer, and with his help, I am back on my feet. I feel the heat in my cheeks starting to form from embarrassment, and quickly look down at the ground, acting as if it is my new best friend.

"Thanks..." I mumble out just loud enough so the man who helped me can hear it. He starts to say something and that's when I lay eyes on the most beautiful human in the universe. He had luscious blond hair that shines in the sun. It went down to just meet the top of his back, and it was tied into a ponytail with a blue ribbon. He had mesmerizing sky blue eyes. Ones that seemed to light up anytime he talked. His slightly buffed figure made him look so, amazing. I was hypnotized by him. It wasn't a cold feeling, one that felt like you were in a snowstorm, but a welcoming warm feeling that had endless sunshine and flowers everytime it happened.

The obnoxious 5 minute bell made me snap out of my sudden thoughts about him, and then I heard the man say his name in his charming southern accent, "John Laurens. Pleasure to meet you?"

"Alexander Hamilton, but you can call me Alex," I responded back, trying not to look at his eyes or I might just get lost in them again. Not that I mind. We shake hands and start to part ways, but he turns and quickly walks back to me again.

"I was wondering, um, would you like to sit with me and my friends at lunch? You don't have to, but you seem nice so, uh..." He offers, looking down to the floor, not daring to even look at me. I wonder why.

"Sure, I would love to," I say, putting him out of his misery. We walk away from each other, getting to our required locations as fast as we can. I make myself small again to squeeze by the sea of people going in the opposite direction to get to the main office.

When I get to the main office door, I check my outfit to make sure that I look like I'm not always a disheveled mess. I push the handle down until I hear a click, then I walk through to see multiple people working at desks. Computers open which have their full attention, except one. I guess she heard the door and signaled me to walk to her desk.

"Welcome to the office! What do you need, hon?" She asks in a soft sweet voice full of care. It sounded slightly like my mother's. I viciously blink away the thought of her. Not in front of someone, I say to myself.

"My name is Alexander Hamilton, and I was hoping you would have my class schedule," I answer and she starts to type on her computer. The rhythmic taps signal that she is spelling out my name to look for me. I hear her mouse click 4 times before the printer begins to run. When It's done, she smoothly glides over in her chair to reach it, then glides back just as smoothly to hand the paper to me.

"Alexander, here is your class, and a new student ID. I hope you have a good year here," She says with a plastered, genuine smile across her face. I thank her and wave as I walk out of the office. I still see small crowds making their way to their classes. Some bubbly chatter amongst themselves, some people sounding like dying is a better option then coming here. I look for someone approachable, and that's when I see a trio of close-knit people, almost like sisters. Or maybe they are. A girl in a yellow sweater and overalls is talking her mouth off. I walk towards them, gripping onto my schedule for dear life.

"Hey..." The three girls snaps their heads in my direction with confusion on their faces. One in a red fashionable dress steps forward in front of the other two, looking like she is protecting her sisters, friends?

"What do you want?" She asks in a stern tone, and I slightly cower away. I try to look up, but I'm met with a stern glare instead. Breathing a bit heavier than usual, I start to manage to get my words out.

"I'm looking for history with Mr. Washington," I stutter out. Damnit. I look up again to be met with a softer glance on me, and I keep my head up as they start to walk towards a hallway full of classrooms. I slowly follow them behind, staying out of talking range. One in a teal outfit, which looks astoundingly breath-taking, shooting a glance back at me.

"If you want to reach class on time, you need to walk faster," She reminds me, and pick up the pace as we get closer to a classroom. She stares at me before I look back at her in confusion. She turns bright red and sharply turns her head back around. I chuckle a bit. I hear bits and pieces of conversation between them, and soon enough I'm placed in front of a door with history themed stickers dominating the wood door, almost completely covering it. Before the trio leaves me to go to their class, they turn around.

"I'm Angelica Schuyler, and these are my sisters, Elizabeth," Angelica pauses as she lets her younger sister wave to me, shyly glancing at me.

"You can call me Eliza," She states as she puts her hand down and looks at the floor, avoiding my gaze. I see her blush overtake her face. She must really like me, I thought.

"And don't forget me! My name is Margarita, but you can call me Peggy," Peggy says in a excited introduction. She's a bit jumpy when talking about herself. Must always be in her sisters' shadow, I consider.

"Well it was nice to meet you guys... Oh wait! My name's Alexander Hamilton, but you guys can call me Alex," I say, almost forgetting to say my name. I wave to them as they wave and walk away, leaving me to the door and my first class in, forever. I push the handle until I hear a click, and push the door open to the classroom, making all eyes turn in my direction. Then I see John Laurens, the man who somehow stole my heart because I slipped.

High School Sweethearts - Lams (Discontinued)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang