[Chapter 2] History Has It's Eyes On You

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Alexander POV

I just stare at John until I hear Mr. Washington call my name to come up to the front, which snaps me out of my mesmerized stare at John.

"Ah, Mr. Hamilton! Welcome to the class, would you like to introduce yourself?" He asks nicely. I glance up at him until I force myself to step in front of all of the pairs of eyes on me. There's a burning in my throat, out of fear, future embarrassment? I suck it up and start to squeak out a few words.

"My name is Alexander Hamilton, and I really like to write," I pause, looking at Mr. Washington for approval to keep going, but he motions me to a seat so he can get class started. I look around and see an empty chair next to John. Not the best choice, but also my only choice. I know absolutely no one here, except Laurens. I quicken my pace to go find the seat and sit down in it as quickly as possible, shrinking down in size when walking to keep all of the eyes off of me. I subconsciously feel like eyes are watching my every move so I walk quicker and finally make it into my seat, which feels like eternity.

I slip into the desk chair while I let my backpack quietly slip onto the floor. I quickly place down a notebook and a few pens on the desk, then I lean over to the side, zipping up my bag. I hear Washington talking about the American Revolution. I swiftly write down whatever he jotted on the board before he erases it and writes something new. I try to look out the window, but of course, John is on my right, which is where the window is.

Soon the bell rings, signaling that class is over, and I start to pack my bag up to leave. I glance behind me to see Laurens waiting for me at my desk. I look back to my bag in confusion, stuffing a notebook to the best of my ability. I quickly zip my backpack up as soon as I make space for the notebook, and pick it up to sling it around my shoulder.

"So, how was History? Washington's everyone's favorite teacher, so you're in good hands," He says as he waits for my response. I look at John, but then I blink my eyes at the realization.

"Oh, it was fun, I guess. I mean, yeah..." I respond while looking into the sky blue eyes he has. Getting lost had never been so easy before John Laurens. I always knew my way around the island, but I can't seem to find the way, the key, to this man's heart through his eyes. It will take sometime, but that's my end goal. Like they say, the eyes are the window to the soul, or something like that.

We walk through the hallway mostly silent, until I come across Math on my schedule. I groan in disappointment. When am I going to have English? That's my best subject! It feels like a chore, struggling to get to my happy place. Laurens actually looks hopeful and places his hand around my shoulder. He leans into it, shifting over his body weight to me.

"Math isn't bad when you have me in it," He chuckles, while pointing to it on his schedule. I blush a bit. His laugh is so cute. It sounds full of innocence. I also realize that he's on me. I blush, my face getting redder than before. We keep walking that way until we make it to another classroom with math symbols on the door. I roll my eyes as me and John walk through the door.

I see a man with a magenta outfit on with big, fluffy black hair with great curls. His legs are taking up the desk in front and he's leaning back in his chair. He seems, I don't know, confident but obnoxious. John pushes me along to the back with two free desks next to each other while I look at the magenta man. We make it to the two desks and we both place our bags down and get out our materials for class. I look at John in confusion. He clearly didn't want me to interfere with the man. What was that about?

"John, who's the magenta man?" I ask. He looks at me and almost cracks up at the name. I smiled a bit because I was able to make him laugh. We both swallow it because our teacher walks in. He's a tall man with glasses on. I don't pay attention at all because I made John laugh. That's a new accomplishment.

The class goes by quickly because next thing I know, I'm getting up again to go to lunch with John. We talk about something's while walking in the hallway, until I bump into someone again. This time, it's the magenta man I asked about. I got up to go to the cafeteria until I was cornered by him. His height makes him tower over me.

"Watch where you're going bastard," He spits out. It was like more venom seeping into my skin. I heard the word multiple times back at the island from my mother's reputation. Along with whore, and soon after, orphan was placed into the mix. I start to shake under his gaze.

"Don't call me that," The words leave my mouth without my permission. I shrink as his face gets closer to mine. But then his shadow shrinks as I hear a sharp groan from someone. I look up to see that John shoved the man away from me. John offers me like he did the first time and the memory replays of when I first met him. I quickly grab his hand and pull myself up. I walk up to the man, new anger boiling in me. I here him say it again, this time louder than before making other people turn their heads to the scene.

"Don't call me that!" I yell out as loud but as quietly as I can. He starts to laugh at me, and a few others join in as well. This man holds a reputation, he controls the school and the people in it for some reason.

"What're you gonna do? Squeak me out of existence? I know your past, Alexander, son of a whore," He laughs out, still looking at me. Tears start to fill me eyes out of anger and the memories of my mother. A wonderful woman who gave the last of the medicine to me. If I didn't get sick then she would still be here with me, defending me with every fight, words or actions.

I swing at him.

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