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⚠️Attention Do not skip this tutorial chapter or you won't be able to understand anything that will be happening in the upcoming chapters. ⚠️

Hello, my precious slits of the Nile✨

Chitchat can wait until we have important things to clear before continuing further. If you wanna skip context and just jump to the important stuff I got you, my child.

Just skip and read from "The Reading Guide"


Okay so now that we are closer to the ✨ cOmPlICaTeD pLoT TiMeS✨

I must arrange the story in a way so that I can portray multiple Battles/scenes happening in different locations at the same time while they are interconnected.

Cuz trust me bro there's gonna be plenty💀

For that I have come up with an idea that could solve this problem of readers mixing up scenes that do not happen in the same location just connected that's all but confused.

This is my original writing style idea. So yeah. Anybody who's taking ideas from this...

Feel free to do so just leave a vote in my story;)

Oh yeah and credit^^

Or my slits will come for your head

I have included a small demo just to show how it works.

[The Reading Guide]

Okay, so this is how it works.

Imagine two scenes currently happening at the same time but in a different location. For example



The mysterious horseman stared at the shocked teenager who jumped a few steps back reaching for his ringing cell phone in his pocket all trembling in fear.


The fabulous-haired young man stood in front of Koichi's house holding his phone as the other side received.


"J-Josuke!!! There's a man on a horse with strange nails inside my house!! Come here quick!!" (Oy)


"What the alright!! I'm coming!!"(JH)

The teen immediately ran off to the streets heading for his best friend's aid


The student moved back as the foreign man on horse kept observing him. Just as the boy was about to call his Stand out, the blond horseman began to speak in Japanese.

"Hey hey! Don't freak out I mean no harm."(???)

The boy stopped as he looked at the unknown man all surprised.

"OIOI You speak Japanese!?"(Oy)

"Yes, I do I have a Japanese wife. By the way, my name is Johny Joester. And you are?"(Jn)


" I see that a nice name.. Care to tell me where exactly I am?"(Jn)


The teen stopped right in front of the best friend's house as he summoned his Stand slowly approaching the door.

But just when he was about to turn the handle he saw a strange-looking hole moving on the door surface.


"Looks like your friend is here to aid you, Oyukasu..."(Jn)

The student got a little off guard as he looked at his living room window.

The horseman narrowed his eyes.

" I'm sorry but I can't risk being ambushed while I'm already under the attack of a Stand..."(Jn)

The friend's eyes widened.



His eyes widened as he was about to jump back but his leg got caught in the strange hole.


This is a small example but the size can differ for each part of these mini clips.

Now Oyukasu's scene and Josuke's scene were connected. But it has to have its own POV simultaneously so to do that,

Both Of their scenes start with
|oyukasu1| and |Josuke1| the number represents these two characters' fight is connected. 

Now if there was another battle with another two ppl fighting in the distance and connected. But not with (pair1)

Then they have a different matching number like

|koichi2| and |Jotaro2|

These two are connected scenes

But |Josuke1| and |Oyukasu 1| are not connected with the other pair.

So they all might have fought at the same time but you'll know who and who has a plot connection.

I know it looks very complicated but once you read onwards you'll get a hang of it.

That's all folks.

Next chapter is under construction so ye bucle up butter cups there's chaos ahead.

And just a small announcement...

I passed:D

I'm a fucking University girl now

Man... I'm growing old:'3

Anyways thank for your patience and also reading this far.

Hope you all have a fine day.

✨Goodbye my lovely slits of the Nile✨

A Leap Through Time || JJBA || JOLYNE || JOTARO || Stardust Crusaders Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon