Part 7

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Chapter 7


Ohashi Hatake sat on the porch as he stared at the starry sky. The silence in the Uchiha district was calming, and distinctive for the rest of the village was rarely this quiet. He sat on the porch as he waited for his sensei to come back, she had gone to tuck in young Itachi and Shisui. Both of whom had fallen asleep after their hour-long excursion with him.

"Thank you for playing with Itachi and Shisui, they were both excited to see someone they could play along with," Mikoto sensei spoke up as she sat down beside him and he waved away her apology.

"I don't mind. They were both pretty well-behaved," he replied and she gave him a warm smile as she nodded though he noticed how her eyes were a little strained. And he could guess the reason for her stress.

"So, what was the issue with Itachi-kun?" he asked and he noticed her eyes drop at that as her smile vanished and was replaced with a forlorn look.

"Lady Tsunade told me that his lungs are chakra sensitive and that could affect his life as a ninja. It can be managed but I am quite concerned about it and don't know what to do," she told him and he nodded along. He turned to face her, and found her fists clenched in frustration, and decided to assure her.

"It will be fine, sensei. Itachi's an extremely bright kid and he will not be affected much by this," and he noticed her smile at the praise for her son before he continued.

"Have you told the rest of the clan or Fugaku-san?" and she shook her head.

"Not yet. I plan to tell him when he returns, such information is too risky to be written in a letter," and he nodded though he saw her eyes narrow suddenly as she focused on her.

"Speaking of Fugaku, he wrote to me about your recklessness during the mission Ohashi. How many times must I tell you to not take such risks? He said you were barely breathing when he found you, what were you thinking taking on such a risk?" and she scrunched his nose as the conversation turned towards him. And then his ear was in her hands and getting twisted.

"What if anything was to happen to you? Did you even think at all before you risked your life like that?" she twisted it a bit more making him shout out in pain.

"Ouch! Ouch! I am sorry sensei. But there was no other choice!" he begged her and after a minute or so leaving him whimpering in pain, as she shook her head in stark disapproval.

"Honestly, you haven't changed a bit from your genin days. And they have even promoted you to a jounin now. Though listening to me Ohashi!" she made him look towards him as her tone became serious again.

"I don't care whether you are a chunin or jounin, you cannot do something like this," and he noticed her voice tremble a bit as she continued.

"I cannot have you die as well. So, please. Promise me you won't do something so reckless again!" and he nodded along as he thought about his lost teammates. Izuna and Ikumo had both died in the chunin exams in Iwa when their team had gone to participate in them. They had been with Mikoto-sensei for a year longer than him when he had joined the team though he had served as her apprentice as a chunin as well. He nodded at that, knowing he had taken an irrational risk during the last mission. Something which he did not plan to take any time again.

"I promise, sensei, I won't do something so risky again," and she saw him nod at that as she leaned in and wrapped her arms around him. And Ohashi felt her care and maternalistic warmth wrap around him as he let himself get lost in her warmth for a second.

"I am so proud of you, Ohashi. And I know if Sakumo-san was here, he would have been equally proud of what you have achieved," she muttered as they separated and she wiped away the tears welling up in her eye. He bit his lip at the mention of his father before he nodded.

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