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Minho, on his 20th birthday. Ji Eun, handed him a meticulously wrapped present, her eyes gleaming with affection as she conveyed that it was something precious. Curiosity piqued, Minho carefully unwrapped the gift to reveal a pair of couple rings nestled inside the velvet-lined box.

Confusion clouded his features as he examined the rings. Why, he wondered, was his sister gifting him couple rings?

With a soft smile, Ji Eun explained her intentions. "I want you to use these when you find your significant other in your future. They're a symbol of love, Minho"

Her words struck a chord within him, leaving him both touched and perplexed. He nodded in acknowledgment, even though he couldn't quite fathom the significance of this gift at the moment. Politely, he placed the ring box in his safe locker, promising to keep it safe until the day it would find its purpose.

As the day continued, his brother-in-law, who was also a close friend, presented Minho with a jacket. "Hey my baby, happy birthday."

"Don't 'baby' me" Minho rolled his eyes. It was a bomber jacket. It was a remarkable piece, clearly of high quality and elegance. Minho admired it openly, recognizing its value and warmth. Yet, a subtle sadness seeped into his heart.

He couldn't help but wonder if this gift was a reflection of his brother-in-law's belief that he would need warmth alone and the rings, as if hinting at a future without them. The contrast between the presents from his sister and brother-in-law gnawed at him, a silent ache that he couldn't quite put into words.

Minho mentally shook himself, chiding himself for overthinking things. It was just a gift, he reminded himself, nothing more.

Before he could say anything, they heard a baby crying out of the room. Ji Eun smiled at her brother, a knowing look in her eyes, and then departed to tend the child. Minho's brother-in-law patted his shoulder. "Keep your sister's present safe. It's so precious. Even the box must be protected."

Minho nodded, watching them leave the room. Couldn't shake off the feeling.

In the present, Minho found himself sitting alone, gazing at the box that held it. They were the same rings that his sister presented him. The weight of their meaning had grown immeasurably since then.

With a sigh that carried the echoes of years gone by, he gingerly opened the box, revealing the ring that was the partner to the one he was wearing now. That means a lot to him. As it's his most precious presents that exists ever because it was from his loved and lost — both.

He missed them deeply. The contrast between the two gifts, the couple rings and the jacket, was no longer a mystery.

Looking at his closet, he noticed the jacket hanging in the corner—a symbol of warmth that he longed for now more than ever. Without hesitation, he draped it around himself, seeking solace in its embrace.

With a deep breath, he made his way back to the penthouse, where Soo Yeon was savoring the view. She was more beautiful than ever, no matter how many times he saw her. He'd never get enough of that. Quietly, he moved to her side, his heart heavy with emotions he longed to share.

Kneeling beside her, he gently opened the velvet box, revealing the ring that had waited for this moment all these years. In a soft whisper, he uttered words that carried a lifetime of longing and hope, "Will you be my wife?"

Soo Yeon turned, her eyes widening in surprise as she gasped at the sight before her. The view was no longer the most breathtaking sight she beheld; it was the man before her, bearing his heart and his love, with a ring that symbolized a future together, a future he hoped to build with her.

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