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The three had their meal after Minho cooked pasta for them. Since it's Mina's favorite.

"I'm full" Mina pouted and pushed the plate as Soo Yeon smiled, taking her remaining food to herself. Minho's lips formed a soft smile at that. She really looks like a mother to Mina.

As Soo Yeon finished her own food she drank some water, by the time Minho took all the plates and went to the sink. Soo Yeon's eyes widened and she stopped drinking.

"I- I could do that" She rushed to his side.

"I can take care of this. Go and be with Mina. And tell me when you want to go i can drop you" He said while washing the dishes.

"Uhm yea... I'll go in some moments" She said looking back at Mina and went to her. Wiping her mouth by the tissue Soo Yeon smiled at her but frowned when the little girl pouted.

"Why does Mom want to go?" Mina asked, her voice filled with curiosity and concern. Minho turned to them as he knelt beside his little girl. "Mom has to go to her house right?" Minho asked

"My friend's mom and dad stay together. Why don't you and Daddy stay together too?"

Soo Yeon's heart sank at Mina's question, realizing that the little girl was trying to make sense of this family dynamics. She exchanged a glance with Minho, who appeared emotionally overwhelmed by his daughter's question.

Minho tried to speak but choked up, struggling to find the right words to explain the situation to Mina. However, before he could respond, Mina was determined to get her answer.

"I want Mom to stay!" Mina insisted, tears welling up in her eyes.

Soo Yeon gently approached Mina and knelt down, pulling her into a loving embrace. Soo Yeon wiped away her tears and softly said, "sweetheart don't cry. I'll stay okay?" She looked at Minho who still can't get his gaze off from Mina, who suddenly longing for her mom's embrace.

Feeling Mina's determination and knowing she needed to rest, Soo Yeon eventually agreed to stay a little longer. She suggested that they go to Mina's room to get ready for bed.

In Mina's room, Soo Yeon cradled the little girl in her arms, whispering sweet and reassuring words to help her fall asleep. As she sang a soft lullaby, Mina's eyelids began to droop, and she slowly drifted off to sleep.

"Mommy don't go." Soo Yeon pulled the girl closer to make her feel the warmth.

"I promise"

However, as Soo Yeon continued to hold Mina in her arms, feeling a wave of exhaustion, both physical and emotional, Soo Yeon eventually dozed off too, finding comfort in the warmth of Mina's embrace. And in that quiet moment, they both slept peacefully.

Minho quietly entered his daughter's room, hoping not to disturb their peaceful slumber. As he softly approached the bed, he found Mina sleeping soundly in the gentle embrace of Soo Yeon. The sight warmed his heart, and he couldn't help but smile at the sweet moment they were sharing.

He thought about how wonderful it would be if Soo Yeon could fill the role of a mother figure for Mina. They had grown close over time, and Minho admired the bond that had formed between Mina and Soo Yeon. It meant a lot to him that Mina had someone like her in her life. But would she stay?

After making sure they were comfortably covered with a blanket, Minho quietly closed the door and headed downstairs. However, he soon noticed that Soo Yeon's phone was ringing on the coffee table. Picking it up, he answered the call on her behalf.


"Yeonnie when are you coming home?"

"Uh this is Minho, she's sleeping with Mina... Uhmm should I wake her up?"

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