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Jisung's hands gripped the steering wheel tightly as he navigated the streets, his mind clouded with thoughts. The road stretched out before him, but his focus wavered with every passing car. The weight of his shattered relationship bore down on him, making it difficult to concentrate on the task at hand.

In the passenger seat, Hyunjin could sense Jisung's unease. He knew Jisung well enough to understand when something was bothering him. "Hey, Jisung," he said gently, his voice laced with concern. "Why don't you let me drive? You need a break."

Jisung glanced at Hyunjin, his eyes reflecting a mix of gratitude and exhaustion. Nodding reluctantly, he pulled over and switched seats with his friend. The relief of relinquishing control momentarily eased his troubled mind.

Hyunjin looked at jisung. He don't wanna ask him where to drive. He knew the destination. Hyunjin's plan was simple. He wanted to take Jisung back to their old middle school, a place that held countless memories of their friendship. He believed revisiting those familiar grounds would help Jisung find some solace and clarity. But before that, he suggested they stop by a convenience store to grab some beer.

They parked the car near the school and headed into the store, their footsteps echoing through the aisles. Jisung's gaze lingered on the shelves, his mind preoccupied with thoughts of Felix, the person he had just broken up with. The pain still felt raw, the wounds fresh.

As they exited the store, Hyunjin handed Jisung a can of beer and they made their way to the school. The sun was starting to set, casting an orange glow over the familiar playground where they had spent countless hours playing and laughing together.

Sitting on a bench, Jisung took a sip of his beer, the bitterness contrasting with the heaviness in his heart. Hyunjin, knowing the thing. He looked up at the sky, looking at the beauty of fade away. "Wanna talk about it?"

Jisung let out a sigh. It took him few minutes. It isn't he didn't trust hyunjin. If he don't he wouldn't ask hyunjin to be with him right now in this moment. He was thankful he met hyunjin on the way. It was silent for a moments. Still the comfortable silence. Jisung knew hyunjin would understand. Hyunjin knows he should give jisung some time.

"I broke up with felix"

his voice filled with a mix of sadness and relief. He began to share the story of his breakup with Felix, the dreams they had built together and how they had slowly crumbled under the weight of misunderstandings and growing apart. As he spoke, memories and emotions poured out, and he found himself slowly unraveling the tangled mess of his heart. His eyes become teary. Whenever he shared anything, the memory would still be vivid and it'll bring him a silly smile but now it just filled with pure sadness. Hyunjin sighed followed by jisung did, after releasing everything from his heart. But still it's too heavy why?

"Does felix love changbin?" Hyunjin asked.

"I don't know. To be honest. He loves me, i know. I know it very well. But what i potray as my relationship to you is not true at all" hyunjin looked at jisung confused. Jisung looked at Hyunjin. He chuckled and looked down at the beer in his hand. He took a sip.

"Felix's first love is changbin, so basically i was the one who stole him. I proposed felix and we dated. But...." Jisung gulped with the guilt "i have never took care of felix"

Jisung took another sip of his beer, contemplating his words before he finally spoke up, his voice laced with a mix of sadness and self-reflection. "You know, Hyunjin, it's not just Felix's fault," he admitted, his eyes fixed on the distant horizon. "As much as I love Felix, I have to accept my own shortcomings in this relationship."

Hyunjin nodded, acknowledging Jisung's honesty. He understood that self-awareness was crucial in the process of healing and growth. "What do you mean, Jisung?" he asked gently, encouraging Jisung to delve deeper into his thoughts.

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