| Prologue |

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It's been four years since the war occurred at Hogwarts, Voldemort was defeated by The Chosen One; Harry Potter.

Everyone had their happy endings but beside from a specific two: A Slytherin and a Ravenclaw.


He was alone in his apartment, drinking a cup of tea. The silence was heard was loud enough besides the clock on the wall and the faint sounds of the radio. Draco Malfoy lived alone after moving out of his parents manor being sick of his father and annoying whines about what he has had done wrong or how much he's disappointed in him.

He has been missing her terribly for the last four years, his one and only love; Alex. There was a rather old-looking box sitting on the kitchen counter, he had been staring at it for a hour now ever since it was delivered to his apartment's door. Placing the cup down before he grabbed a knife, cutting through the tape of the box and opening it to be greeted by dried up flowers, two rather familiar bracelets and letters..?

Draco picked up the first letter and noticed it was addressed to him but there were addressed to him couple of years ago when he still went to Hogwarts..the sender of these letters were her..
Feeling curious, he opened the envelope slowly and pulled out a parchment, unfolding the letter to be greeted by her familiar handwriting.

The first line of it was just enough to make his heart ache and make him tearful.

"My dearest love,"

You left
and I wanted you still
Yet I deserved someone
who was willing to say
— Rupi Kaur

My love, || D.M ||Where stories live. Discover now