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"Shit,what the hell I do.I should apologise now whether i will be punished in morning for sure."I thought to myself.

"Perseus,are you there?"She called me."Ye-yes teacher.I am really sorry for what I did.There was someone who was calling me continuously so i was annoyed by this that's why I do this."I explained to her.

"Okay,i believe you.But don't be ever like this to anyone.I am your teacher so I didn't say anything if there will be your friend or someone close than he will be hurt.And yeah I wanted to talk to your parents.Can i?"She asked."Actually,My parents are not at home right now.They went out so i will inform them and told them to call you later."I replied.

"Okay than.Thanku for your time Perseus."She said softly."My pleasure teacher and sorry for all that."I said."Np problem."She said and hang up.

"Thank god,I handle it whether i would be in hell."I let out a sigh of relief.

I get up from my bed and wash my face.Meanwhile,Mom was cooking something delicious.I can tell by the smell.But hope so it would not be in dinner cuz i can't wait to eat it.

"Perseus!"Mom called me."Yeah Mom,coming."I replied.I went downstairs and saw relatives sitting and drinking tea.

"Hi Perseus!"Aunt said with a smile."Hello,how are you."I smiled awkwardly.

I didn't even knew her who is she? And mom told me sit with them and most importantly talk with them.I can't do this much.

Pleasee god save me.I know it will be twice but please.

*Buzz Buzz*

I checked my phone and it was Adonis.Thank you God for saving me twice.

"Excuse me.I have to take this call."I said to them and left."Thank you,thank you soo much Adonis.First time in my life you helped me and by this you confirmed that you are worth and the best in my life."I said all this in a one breathe.

"Per,calm down.Speak slowly.First take a deep breathe and than say.Stupid."He scolded me even from phone call.I took a deep breathe and speak.

"Well the thing is that Right now i have guests at my home.And by conversation i think it's Mom bestfriend.And first i didn't even know her and she told me to sit beside her and talk.I was very shy to talk to them.I was saying God to save me.And he saved me."I said.

"Wow,What a luck.Than it means i am lucky to you?"He asked raising his eyebrows."What-I mean yeah kinda.Leave that thing.By the way,Why did you call Mr.?"I said changing the topic.

"Umm,Are you going to school tomorrow?"He asked."Yeah ofcourse why not.Aren't you?"I asked.

"No-No I am coming.I just asked.You were not feeling good that's why I ask."He said."I am alright and I will come no matter what."I said.

"I will call you later per,Dad is calling me.I have to go."He said and ended the call.

"By his voice,I think he is not coming.He doesn't look well.Should i ask him? It's not been too long since we became friends but since I met him I didn't see him like that.It must be something whether why would he asked me this.Or Am i just overthinking."I thought to myself.

"Perseus!What are you doing outside alone.Come here."Mom called me and I left my thoughts there.

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