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Perseus went home and sat down on bed.Today he was not much bored as always.He was feeling too fresh today. He has told all his problems to Adonis.


I was sitting silently on bed.I don't know what i was thinking about today day or about him.Suddenly a notification came on Perseus phone.He checked it.But it was from an unknown number.Someone messaged him Heyy!.

I opened it and was about to ask who is he or she.But a notification again came from that person.

"Heyy! I am Adonis ".He texted.I was shocked at that time.Where the hell did he get my number.Do anyone gave mine number to him.But I didn't gave mine number to anyone as i didn't became friends with anyone yet.

"Hey!"I replied. "What are you doing.Did you reach home?"He texted back.

"If I am replying you it means i am home."I replied with a laugh emoji.

"Fine fine.I know you will be thinking that where the hell did I get your number.Right?"He texted.I didn't want to ask him at all. I just met him and what will I do with it.Soo i put my phone on bed and was going to change.

*Buzz Buzz*

I picked up my phone and check who was it.It was him."He is callingggg meeee"I shouted.I will pick it up.You can do it Perseus.

But when i was going to pick it up.My hands suddenly slipped on hang up.And i cutted his call.

Perseus what did you did.You want to pick his call and you ended it.What will he think.How rude it is.


Why did he hang up.I know he will be wondering that why did i call him.I thew my phone on bed and was getting something to wear.

Next day,I went school but none of my friends came yet.I was waiting at the door.But our class teacher,Ms Maudie has came and she say me to sit down.

And the thing was that I never ever waited for my friends because I know if they don't want to come they will text me.But today i was waiting for Perseus.

I was thinking if he will not come.Yesterday it all went too good that i can't forget him.

"Everyone,open your books on page no.6."Mrs Maudie said to everyone.I was too busy in focusing on him that i almost forget that teacher tell me to read.

"Adonis!where are you looking at.I told you to read."Mrs Maudie shouted so loud that i get out of my thoughts.

"Ye-yes teacher.What is the page no. that i have to read."Where are you Adonis.Are you really in class.I think you are in class but your mind is stuck in something else."Mrs Maudie said."I am sorry teacher.I will never do this again"I said."Fine.Sit down and Now It's turn of Axe."Teacher said.

Wait.Did axe came today.When did he came and how did i don't know.When I was about to sit next to axe.A familiar voice came from door.It was no one else other than one person that i expected.

"Per"I said while smiling continuously at him."Perseus,Why are you late today."Mrs Maudie asked."Our bus get late today so because of it I came late."I said."Okay,Take a seat.See there is a empty seat next to Adonis."Mrs Maudie said.

He was coming toward me.I was waiting for him and now when he came what is happening to me.Adonis it is nothing.You are just being friendly and that's it.He sat  next to me.He passed a cute smile to me.
But my mind refuse to look at him.But my heart was saying to talk to him.

As always i listened to my heart always soo i will go with it."Hi Per"I said waving at him."Hii!"He waved back.He didn't even say a word after that and i want to break the silence.But he did.

"Adonis!I wanna ask something"He said."Yeah.What do you want to ask?"I asked."I-You-Why did you call me per and is there any  reason that you want to sit with me and not with your friends. " He asked me.

I was also too confused that why did i want to call him per.But I liked it when I call him by that nickname.I don't have answer to answer his questions.

"Umm.If you don't like me calling you per than i will not call you by that.And today my friend didn't came that's why there is a empty seat."I said and get up from there and sit next to axe.

"Adonis Adonis what did you do.Y'know that your are stupid.But don't do this right now.He will be sad.Get up and go there back."I said to myself.Axe was continuously staring at me that what am I thinking.because yesterday they hear me calling Perseus per and they didn't even talk to me properly since that.That's why i have to say that infront of him.But they are your friends Adonis they will surely understand you.

I again get up from there and sit at my own seat again."Adonis,I didn't mean to say that you can't call me that.I just want to ask.No one ever call me per and you are the only one who calls me per.And I like it when you call me per."Perseus whispered in my ear."I also didn't mean to do that.I just want to sit next to axe so that I can tell him that I am sitting with you the whole day."I whispered in his ear.

We sat with each other the whole day.Axe and my other friends also became a little bit familiar to him.

Now it was the time of leaving."Per,Byy have a nice day."I said hugging him."Byy Adonis."He said with hugging me back.

Why did i hugged him.What was that??Why did my heart says to hug him.Do i like him....

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