Episode 33: The trial of drawn lines

Start from the beginning

"Is that right? Do you remember what the quirkless community did all those years ago, Professor Xavier? I don't think you of all people could, being the founder of the very team that saved us. The quirkless created Sentinels, giant robot killers that hunt down people by scanning them for the X-Gene that allows our quirks to exist! Those robotic killing demons killed many innocent people just for carrying an X-Gene, and now you purpose we forget about that for the sake of some teenager?" The news reporter challenged Professor Xavier. But Charles Xavier had always believed in the equality of all people. If people could not be equal in terms of power, then they must be equal in terms of rights, and opportunities to prove themselves useful in different ways.

"So you say that the sins of unrelated scientist that happen to be quirkless suddenly matters when speaking about the future of a teenage boy who has only done good things with technology? If we apply that logic to everyone, then shouldn't the sins of Magneto, and other various villains also apply to we who have quirks as a whole? How are we different and who are we to judge a child for past events unrelated to the current set of circumstances? If the Commission makes an example of a boy who, while he HAS been a vigilante at some point, hasn't done anything evil, just for the sake of the past, how are we any better than those who had prejudice for us in the past?" Charles Xavier asked.

An angered Takumi Sakai had prepared a whole bunch of notes on differing topics the Hero Commission could use to justify taking his Iron Man armor away from him. He wasn't about to see his newfound chance to become a hero be ruined by the higher ups of the Commission who considered his journey to be an impossible one. As he reviewed his notes, he suddenly became aware of something different. He found something in his pocket, something he hadn't noticed before. He took the mysterious item out of his pocket to see what it was. It was some type of high tech disk thing and a note was on it. The note read: Hey, kid. On the way back to Japan, I made something for you. You really should be careful where you take naps. Iceman was pickpocketing your wallet as a joke, but I got it back and right when you woke up, I threw this and your wallet back into your pocket... literally. Spider powers gives me amazing speed and my experience gives me crazy precision, but that's not the point of this note. This is a mini Danger Room type training program. Just load this up at a computer in one of your high tech training rooms at UA and the disk will scan your files and allow you to fight virtual recreations of villains from your past! Sometimes villains escape from jail, so it's always a good idea to refresh your memory on guys you have fought with in the past. I hope this helps you in the long run.
Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man

'Peter... that guy really is amazing. I guess I should let off some steam.' Takumi thought as he walked over to a training room.

Takumi walked to a training room and loaded Peter's new training program into the computer. The program started to run and the computer suddenly scanned his face, registering him as Takumi Sakai.
"Welcome Takumi Sakai, to your Spectacular Holo Room. I know, since you are quirkless, that I can't teach you much about controlling powers or anything. But given that we are both tech guys, I figured I could use some of the technology I developed in the Friendly Neighborhood Hero Agency to bolster your training. If you read my note, you know what you are in for. If you didn't... READ MY NOTE. Not everyone takes the time to write heartfelt letters to their amazing little students, you know! Just know that from here on in, even though the Hero Internships are over, I am your new trainer and as such I am dedicated to getting you to be the best Iron Man you can possibly be. Let's show the world what you can do." A holographic Spider-Man appeared on the desk where the computer was.

Takumi started the first program that was in the list of runnable training programs and walked into the combat arena, not realizing that he didn't have his armor on. His anger and frustration at the Hero Commission blinded him to the lack of armor before he found himself face to face with a digital replica of Firebrand.
"Iron Man! Or should I say Takumi Sakai now that the world knows who you are?" The digital Firebrand asked.

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