Chapter 6: The Recall

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Chapter 6: The Recall

June 26th, 2053

Rhinewood River Valley

It has been a few hours since the 4th Deep Recon Team was recalled to Fort Roanoke. When Daniel radioed Fort Roanoke for more information, he found out that it wasn't just the 4th Deep Recon Team; every Deep Recon Team was recalled. Daniel couldn't find out anything more than that, but something big must have happened.

Because they weren't stopping to interact with the local villages, the trip back to Fort Roanoke would be much quicker than the rest of their journey. But because of the poor quality of roads, it would still take them the rest of the day to get back.

While the team was driving, Daniel was in the crew compartment speaking to Elmot and Thungar. They gave more thorough introductions of themselves. As a minotaur, Thungar was too large to be able to sit in the crew compartment, so he was standing with his head and upper torso sticking out of the topside crew compartment hatch. Luckily, it wasn't too difficult to hear his deep minotaur voice inside the Rhino.

Thungar was a minotaur taken as a slave from Mintauria, to the northwest. He was a strong and capable warrior who valiantly defended his home from the Rontak Empire before being captured and enslaved, along with his family, many years ago. During his enslavement, Thungar was forced to pull small carriages and work in the fields, so he knew the Rhinewood River Valley very well.

Elmot, on the other hand, was taken from one of the elven kingdoms north of the Vushfall Mountains during a raid. As an adept mage, he was forced to construct magical devices, like mana comms, for the Rontak Empire. Elmot had been a slave in the Rontak Empire for 80 years. He knew the local cities quite well, since his servitude did not include much physical labor.

Daniel explained to Elmot and Thungar that they came from the other side of a portal created by the Rontak Empire. Neither of them were surprised that the Rontak Empire had, once again, opened a portal, but they were shocked to learn that the people from the other side of the portal managed to defeat the Rontak Empire in battle.

Elmot was even more shocked to learn that magic did not exist on the other side of the portal and that his rescuers had no magical aptitude whatsoever. They had to explain to Elmot the basics of how the Rhino worked, just like with Eldryn, to convince him it wasn't some form of beast or magic.

At the Americans' request, Elmot was about to provide them with a demonstration of magic. Elmot asked for a canteen, and a marine handed him a water bottle.

"What I am about to show you is an example of elemental water magic," Elmot explained, as he unscrewed the cap.

"Hang on," Daniel said, "is this safe?"

"Yes, of course," Elmot replied. "I am only giving a small demonstration."

Daniel nodded and Elmot proceeded.

"Water magic allows a mage to control and manipulate the natural element of water," as he said this, he made a motion with his hand and the water flowed out of the bottle. It formed a ball that hovered slightly over the palm of Elmot's hand. Faint dark blue particles could be seen emanating from Elmot's hand, towards the water. "In all its forms," Elmot continued.

As he said that, the ball of water froze into ice, and then sublimated into water vapor. Then, Elmot turned the steam back into water and it flowed back into the bottle. Everyone applauded the impressive display as Elmot screwed the cap back on.

"Is it really true that your people have never even heard of magic before?" Elmot asked.

"Yep. As far as we know, magic simply doesn't exist in our world," Daniel replied.

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