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Ahri had always found Max Verstappen extremely attractive, and when she saw him in Seychelles, she had briefly entertained the idea of making a move. However, when she approached him on that enchanting New Year's Eve, she quickly realized that Max hadn't recognized her at all.

At first, a pang of disappointment had coursed through her. Ahri was used to being recognized within the tennis world, but she also understood that not everyone was a tennis enthusiast, and not everyone could recognize an Asian player they hadn't seen up close. In fact, sometimes her anonymity had its advantages, allowing her to enjoy moments of normalcy without the weight of her celebrity status.

Yet, with each tequila shot and gin tonic that coursed through her veins, Ahri's inhibitions began to fade away. She decided to approach Max differently, shedding her identity as the world-renowned tennis champion and becoming an absolute stranger who had no idea who he was. It was a daring move, fueled by liquid courage, and she had considered it a gamble.

Ahri's daring gamble had paid off in ways she couldn't have imagined. Max had agreed to dance with her, and as the midnight hour approached, signalling the arrival of the new year, she had decided to make a bolder move. With a surge of courage, she leaned in to kiss him, not knowing how he would react.

To her absolute delight, Max had responded in kind, pulling her closer and sharing a passionate kiss. As Ahri reluctantly left Max to rejoin her friends, a sense of hope welled up within her. She had hoped to return to him, to continue the spark that had ignited between them, but to her dismay, he had disappeared into the bustling crowd, leaving her with lingering questions and a yearning in her heart.

she had initially considered asking Charles to introduce her to Max. But the thought of enduring another round of questions about their past encounters made her hesitate. She wanted something more spontaneous, something that would allow their connection to unfold naturally.

So, she decided to ask Charles if he could arrange for someone to join them in a doubles match. Her secret hope was that he would bring Max, his best friend, to the court. When she arrived at the tennis court and saw Max standing there with Charles, her heart had soared with delight. The thrill of seeing him again mixed with uncertainty about how to approach the situation.

Ahri knew that Max might view their previous encounter as a drunken mistake or simply forget about it. She didn't want to appear too eager or desperate. As they practised together, she ran various theories in her head, trying to predict how their interactions would unfold.

But to her pleasant surprise, Max had taken the initiative, asking for her number. It was a sign that he was genuinely interested in continuing their connection, and her heart danced with excitement.




Ahri found herself in the comfort of her penthouse, Her fingers danced across her phone's screen as she scrolled through Instagram, her eyes focused on the recent posts of Max Verstappen. It was a form of harmless stalking, one she often engaged in to keep tabs on the people who piqued her interest, (mostly Max).

In the spacious drawing room, her manager, Sarang, her coach, Ian, and her trainer, Jiah, were all present, gathered around a comfortable seating area.

Jiah and Sarang excitedly explained the events of the previous day to their friend, Sara, who had joined them via video call.

"He asked for her number, and this woman is playing hard to get," Jiah recounted with amusement.

Sarang chimed in, shaking her head in disbelief, "Can you believe it? She had the biggest crush on him, and now she's acting as if he's the one pursuing her. She's crazy."

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