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As their vacation came to an end, Ahri and Max had to reluctantly part ways, at least temporarily. Ahri found herself on a different continent, preparing for two upcoming tennis opens in America. Meanwhile, Max had to shift his focus to the approaching racing season, which demanded rigorous training, press commitments, and preparations for the challenges ahead.

Despite the physical distance separating them, they maintained their connection through messages, video calls, and the occasional surprise gift. Their feelings continued to grow, and they eagerly anticipated the moments when their schedules would align, allowing them to be together once again.

They would call each other whenever they had free time, talking for hours about everything from their day to their dreams. Sometimes, the conversations would stretch late into the night, connecting them across time zones until they could hardly keep their eyes open.

Max, with the race season now starting, had a demanding schedule, but he made a point to watch all of Ahri's matches whenever time permitted. He'd set alarms, adjust his training sessions, and even make arrangements with his team so that he could catch every moment of her games. He couldn't physically be there with her, but he wanted to be her most dedicated supporter, no matter how many miles were between them.

"You were wonderful out there, Ahri," Max praised her through FaceTime, a warm smile on his face. "So nice to see you finishing it quicker than the last time."

Ahri blushed at his compliment, feeling a surge of happiness. "Thank you, Max. How's your season coming along? You have a race next week, right? How's everything going?"

Max leaned back in his hotel room, stretching his legs. "Everything seems fine so far. No issues during practice, but you know how it goes in racing - you never really know until the first race is over."

Ahri nodded sympathetically, knowing the pressures of the racing world. "Well, Max, I'm sending you all the best vibes for your race. I hope I get to hear the Dutch national anthem playing for you."

Max's eyes lit up with gratitude and warmth. "I hope so too Ahri," he said.

But nothing had gone according to what he had hoped for. Max's frustration was palpable as he sat in the car, feeling helpless as the race unfolded around him. The power unit issue had taken him by surprise, and there was little he could do to remedy the situation while the race was in progress. He muttered to himself inside the cockpit, trying to diagnose the problem, but it remained elusive.

He communicated the issue to his team over the radio, trying to gather as much information as possible to figure out a solution. But as the laps went by and the problem persisted, it became clear that continuing the race was futile.

By lap 54, it became clear that Max would have to abandon the race. He radioed his team, informing them of the decision to retire from the race. The disappointment in his voice was evident as he conveyed the news.

Max returned to the pits, his frustration evident in his body language. He knew that such setbacks were part of racing, but it was still tough to accept when it happened.

Ahri, who was watching the race from afar, couldn't help but feel for Max. She knew how much he had prepared for this moment, the countless hours of training and dedication. To see it all unravel in front of him was painful. she couldn't help but send him a supportive message: "Tough break, Max. Remember, it's not about the setbacks; it's about how you bounce back."

Max glanced at his phone and read Ahri's message. Her words brought him a sense of comfort and encouragement.

Max sat in his motorhome, still feeling the weight of his recent race disappointment. It had been a tough day, but hearing Ahri's voice on the phone brought him a sense of comfort and reassurance.

"Are you doing fine, sweetheart?" Ahri asked gently. Max took a moment before responding. "I think I am, I'm not sure."

"Don't beat yourself up," Ahri said, her voice soothing.

"That's the issue, Ahri. I really want to blame myself or someone at least. I lost a race, and honestly, no one was at fault," Max admitted, his frustration evident.

Ahri paused for a moment, considering her words. Then she spoke, "Blame me then. Blame me, saying that because Ahri wasn't around, I lost."

Max couldn't help but chuckle at her suggestion. "I just don't want to lose the title this year, you know?" Max confided.

Ahri's tone grew more reassuring. "And you will not. I promise you. There are multiple races left, and you're going to win most of them, I promise. At one point, people will be fed up with how many times they have to listen to the Dutch anthem."

Max felt a warmth spreading through him as he listened to her words. "I miss you," he confessed, his voice laced with longing.

Ahri's heart warmed at his confession. "I miss you too. I'll see you after Miami. I'll be by your side before you go off to Australia, I promise." Max couldn't help but smile at the thought.

As Max hung up the phone, he carried Ahri's words of encouragement with him. She had a unique way of making him feel invincible, and he was determined to prove her right in the upcoming races.

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