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Ahri's break was exactly what they needed. Ahri cherished every moment spent with Max, and she adored his playful and competitive nature. Likewise, Max couldn't get enough of Ahri's company. Her dedication, humour, and kindness drew him in, making him look forward to each day they spent together.

They savoured the simple pleasures of life-cooking for one another, sharing stories over dinner, and trying out different cuisines. Movie nights became a cherished tradition, with both of them enjoying each other's movie recommendations, from classic romances to action-packed thrillers.

Max's sweet tooth had met its match in Ahri, as they would often bake desserts together. From making delicious cakes to attempting challenging soufflés, they created culinary masterpieces. And when they were feeling competitive, they'd have intense FIFA matches, each trying to outscore the other.

And then there were their furry companions. Ahri's dog had grown incredibly fond of Max, excitedly wagging his tail whenever Max came over. Max's cats, initially aloof, had gradually accepted Ahri into their home, spending more time in her company and occasionally curling up on her lap.



Max pulled out of the tennis club's parking lot, glancing at Ahri as she settled comfortably into the passenger seat. It had become somewhat of a routine for him to pick her up after practice, a routine he thoroughly enjoyed. He handed her a bottle of fresh orange juice, knowing it would help rehydrate her after a long and gruelling training session.

"Thanks for picking me up," Ahri said with a grateful smile accepting the juice.

Max grinned in response. "It's always a pleasure, especially when I know we're cooking something delicious for dinner. Speaking of which, what's on the menu tonight?, Unless you want to get takeout"

Ahri leaned back in her seat, stretching her tired limbs. "I thought ramen would be a nice change. you cooked pasta for us a couple of days ago, so ramen sounds perfect now."

"Ramen it is, then," Max agreed. "Your place or mine?"

Ahri gave it a moment's thought. "Let's go to my place. I've got all the ingredients for some incredible ramen waiting."

"Sounds great," Max said as he pulled out of the parking lot. "Do you want to pick up anything on the way home, or are we good?"

Ahri considered his question. "Hmm, unless you have a craving for dessert, we should be good."

Max laughed. "Well, I might as well enjoy some dessert while I can. I'll have to start training again next week, and sugar will be on the watchlist."

"Stroopwafel then?" Ahri asked. "I really enjoyed the ones you got last time."

Max chuckled at her choice. "Look at you, turning into a little Dutch with your stroopwafel cravings."

Ahri grinned back. "Yes, says the man who chose ramen over pasta. We'll grab some stroopwafels and head to my place?"

they headed to the local store to pick up the sweet treats before continuing their journey home.

Once they reached Ahri's place, she led Max into her cosy kitchen. The evening sunlight streamed in through the window, casting a warm glow over the room. Ahri began to gather the ingredients for their ramen while Max leaned against the counter, watching her with a grin.

"So, what can I do to be your sous-chef today?" Max asked, rolling up his sleeves and looking around the kitchen for any available tasks.

Ahri handed him a cutting board and a knife. "You can chop up some green onions and mushrooms. We'll need those for our ramen."

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