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Max and Ahri found themselves in a charming holiday home in Lindos, Greece, their temporary sanctuary away from the hustle and bustle of their regular lives. It was a peaceful retreat, and they cherished every moment of it. Lindos was a beautiful town, known for its stunning landscapes and welcoming atmosphere, where time seemed to slow down.

In this idyllic setting, the couple enjoyed the luxury of anonymity. Few recognized them, and those who did were respectful enough to allow them the freedom to explore without interruption. Max and Ahri strolled hand in hand through the winding streets, their laughter filling the air as they discovered the town.

The town's beauty and simplicity allowed them to forget about the demands of their careers and the pressures from their families. They revelled in being just two people in love, exploring a new place together.

Their days were filled with leisurely walks, savouring local cuisine at quaint restaurants, and soaking up the Mediterranean sun on pristine beaches. They visited historical sites, hiked to scenic viewpoints, and relished the incredible sunsets that painted the sky with vivid colours.

Max and Ahri continued their exploration to the local farmer's market. Although limited, Ahri's command of the Greek language was enough to strike up conversations and leave a trail of smiles behind her. Max couldn't help but admire her ability to connect with people effortlessly.

As they wandered through the market, Ahri's infectious enthusiasm spread, and even Max enjoyed the experience, even though he didn't understand the conversations around him. He followed Ahri with a bag in hand, ready to assist her in any way he could.

Their next stop was a quaint flower shop, where Ahri engaged in a deep conversation with the elderly lady who owned the place. Max stood there, watching Ahri with adoration, captivated by her charm and the sparkle in her eyes.

The old lady seemed to notice the affection between Max and Ahri. In her thick accent, she asked in Greek, " Are you two married?"

Ahri smiled"No, but he's my boyfriend" replied in Greek. The elderly lady smiled warmly and gave them some heartfelt advice. "Marry the boy. He's very much in love with you. He reminds me of how my husband looks at me, and we've been married for 40 years."

Ahri translated the lady's words for Max. He couldn't help but be touched by the woman's words. "40 years? Wow, you must really love each other," Max said with sincerity.

The lady nodded and smiled in agreement.

She continued, "Both of you should visit the café down the street where my husband runs it. He would love to host you."

Ahri, with genuine gratitude, responded, "We would love to."


The quaint café was a cosy haven nestled among the charming streets of Lindos, Greece. As Max and Ahri stepped inside, they were greeted by the sweet aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the gentle hum of friendly chatter.

Seated at a corner table, they enjoyed their coffee and pastries, basking in the warmth of the cosy atmosphere. The elderly gentleman who ran the café, the husband of the lady from the flower shop, exuded kindness and love. His eyes held a lifetime of stories and an enduring affection for his wife, and Max found himself admiring the man's genuine warmth and tenderness.

After a delightful conversation and the exchange of stories, they bid farewell to the café owner, leaving with hearts warmed by the connection they had experienced with the local couple.

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