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The Australian Open finals had finally arrived, and Max, Charles, and Phil found themselves in a prime location, seated in a box overlooking the tennis court. Their status as famous celebrities afforded them the privilege of securing excellent seats for this high-stakes match.

As the first set of the Australian Open finals continued to unfold, it became increasingly evident that Ahri faced some difficulties on the court. The three friends, Max, Charles, and Phil were keen observers, and her performance had them intrigued and concerned.

Phil couldn't help but voice his thoughts. "Dude, I've been watching her matches for the last few weeks on Max's insistence, but damn, why does she seem to be struggling? I think she's better than that," he remarked, expressing his surprise at Ahri's current predicament.

Charles, who had experienced playing alongside Ahri in their 3 vs. 1 practice sessions, agreed. "I've played matches with her. I know she's better than that," he said with confidence, puzzled by her uncharacteristic performance.

Max, had a different perspective. He had observed Ahri's playing style closely and, perhaps, understood her tactics better than anyone. "She's being calculative," Max finally shared. "She's tiring her opponent and studying her moves. Her body language seems very forced like she wants to exhaust her opponent into running around."

The trio's attention shifted back to the court, their gaze fixed on Ahri. Her approach might have seemed uncharacteristic to the untrained eye, but Max and Charles knew her well. They recognized the subtle shifts in her game, her calculated moves designed to outsmart her opponent. In Ahri's world, every match was a chess game, and she was the grandmaster, strategizing for the ultimate win.

The first set of the Australian Open finals had concluded, and to the casual observer, it might have seemed like Ahri was struggling. Her opponent appeared to be celebrating her perceived victory, but Max's keen eyes caught something that others might have missed-a subtle smirk on Ahri's face.

"Did you see her smirk? She's more cunning than I thought," Max whispered to Charles, his eyes still fixed on Ahri.

Charles nodded, acknowledging Max's observation. "Well, I wasn't observing her closely, but I get what you mean. I know her, and she can be a menace."

Max chuckled at Charles's choice of words. "A menace? She would give Lilith a run for her money," he quipped.

Charles couldn't help but chuckle at Max's analogy. "The opponent has no idea what's hitting her, does she?" Charles asked rhetorically.

Max leaned back in his seat, a mix of awe and sympathy in his expression. "Nope, and it won't be sweet. I feel sorry for them; I really do. Ahri's game is no joke," he agreed, fully aware of the strategic genius that was unfolding on the court.

As the second set began, Max and Charles realized that they had only scratched the surface of Ahri's strategic genius. What they were about to witness left them in awe and disbelief.

In the second set, Ahri's game underwent a complete transformation. Ruthless wouldn't be a strong enough word to describe the force with which she dominated the court. Her opponent, once celebrating prematurely, now appeared on the verge of tears.

For Ahri, this was no longer just a tennis match; it had become personal. Her every move was calculated to humiliate her opponent, to showcase her absolute superiority on the court. Her shots were precision-guided missiles, her serves unreturnable, and her footwork unmatched.

It was a one-sided spectacle that left the audience and the three friends in the box speechless. Max and Charles exchanged glances, both of them recognizing that they were witnessing something extraordinary.

As the final shot sailed over the net, securing her victory, Ahri stood tall in the center of the court. Holding her racket high, she acknowledged the roaring crowd, the cheers and applause echoing throughout the stadium. But her celebration wasn't one of arrogance; it was a statement. A single finger pointed skyward, signifying her presence and her unwavering hold on the number one spot.

Then, in a moment of humility and respect, Ahri knelt on the ground, touching her forehead to the court-a symbolic gesture of reverence for the sport and the court that had borne witness to her triumph. It was a display of the values and principles that had guided her throughout her career.

Finally, with grace and sportsmanship, Ahri approached her opponent, extending a hand in a gesture of respect. Despite the one-sided nature of the match, Ahri recognized the effort and dedication her opponent had put forth, acknowledging her as a worthy competitor.

As Ahri made her way into the hospitality area after her triumphant victory, she was once again met with applause from dignitaries and VIPs. The atmosphere was electric, filled with the excitement and celebration of her win.

However, before Ahri could proceed to her changing room to freshen up, a familiar voice called out to her. "Riri!" Ahri turned, surprised, to find Charles standing there. "Charles? OMG, what are you doing here?" she asked, genuinely taken aback.

Charles flashed a mischievous grin. "I'm here to see your match, of course, but honestly..." He trailed off, directing Ahri's attention to something behind her.

Curious, Ahri turned her head, following Charles's gaze. What she saw left her momentarily speechless and utterly surprised. There, standing a short distance away, was Max Verstappen, impeccably dressed in a suit, his hands casually tucked into his pockets. His expression held a sly smile, and his eyes sparkled with a mixture of admiration and affection.

Ahri's heart skipped a beat as she realized that Max had come to celebrate her victory in person, as a special surprise.

"Max, what are you doing here?" Ahri inquired, her eyes locking onto his with a mixture of surprise and delight.

Max responded with a devilish grin. "Working hard, of course," he replied in a tone filled with playful insinuation. He took a step closer, their proximity charged with an electric tension. "I thought this could be the start of working harder, just like you asked," he continued, his voice dropping to a seductive murmur. "But then again, I can get into being a tiger."

Charles, who had been standing ther all along, chimed in. "Yes, that's my cue," he said with a tone of exaggerated disgust. "I'll go find Phil, whiskey, and an exorcist because you sound possessed when you're around her."

"Was the kiss that good, that you're putting in the effort?" Ahri teased, her eyes dancing with amusement.

Max leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a husky whisper. "Oh, I would have done way more than just kiss that night if you hadn't disappeared," he replied.

"Ah, would you now?" Ahri replied with a teasing smile. "Well, it's good to know that. But you see, I've got to go get changed."

Max couldn't resist the opportunity to continue their playful exchange. With a wink, he replied, "I can help you."

Ahri's playful demeanor persisted as she responded, "Oh, follow me, then."

As they reached the changing room, Ahri turned to Max with a playful glint in her eyes. "Okay, stand guard, will you?" she asked, clearly enjoying the flirtatious banter.

Max, however, couldn't resist pushing the boundaries a bit further. With a mischievous grin, he replied, "Oh, I meant help you lose the clothes."

Ahri chuckled, "Ah, it'll take you a few more tries before you get to see me naked."

"I tried," Max admitted, and his words were met with Ahri's delightful giggle from inside the changing room.

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