7-Quality Time Pt. 2

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Previously on T.S. 2

"I sure do make cute kids" I giggled out and Kam giggled with me bashfully as I pinched her cheek lightly.

"I can't believe you're gonna be thirteen soon. You're growing up on mama"

"It's only in human years. I'm still your baby"

"Really? That means no boyfriends, girlfriends, they-friends and any other romantic friend until you turn 400 in HUMAN YEARS. Got me?"

"Sure mama" she laughed out while I grinned and walked with her to go cause some more chaos. Only this time I was gonna let my baby girl use her powers for the first time on an actual subject.


Giselle POV

"Kammy pick a number between one and nine"

"Ummm... six"

"That's very fitting for you given what level that represents" I chuckled out while walking with Kamryn to the elevator further down into hell. Once we were inside I sent us to level six where all the heretics were and Kam's eyes immediately widened from the sight of all the souls trapped in here.

"What sin is this level created for mama?"

"Heresy. So all the souls who tried to contradict the religion that runs the earth"

"So everyone who didn't believe in mommy and great grandpa?"

"You're missing a very important person in that lineup. In fact, the person you didn't mention impacts the heretics the most in the afterlife" I added while looking down at her knowingly and she giggled.

"Grandma?" She asked jokingly and I playfully pushed her while laughing.

"That wasn't very nice ma"

"I'm not a nice person babygirl"

"Yes you are. Everybody has the ability to be nice. You just gotta choose who you give your nice energy to"

"And why do we choose who receives our niceness?"

"Because only those who deserve it get the pleasure of such niceties from a Knowles"

"That's my girl" I praised as I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and led her to the edge of the humongous pit that held all of the heretics.

"On this level, all the souls are forced into this pit for eternity while I choose what torture method everyone will endure. I've put saws down there so every time the souls walked they'd be cut up, and I've also put magma in there once so that there was constant burning just to name a few of my punishments"

"If everyone is in the pit then why are there men surrounding the pit looking down on them?" She asked while looking at the men.

"Those men are all blood born demons and their job is to make sure none of the souls manage to escape the pit" I answered while looking down onto the damned men and women currently utilizing their brief moment of no torture since it was time for them to start a new round of punishment.

"Alright now sunshine. Here's where you come in. You've seen mama unleash different punishments on other levels of hell while shadowing me over the years, but now I think you've got it in you to tap into your own power. So I'm gonna step back and let you decide what type of damnation the souls will endure from now until I switch out torture methods again"

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