5-Big Business

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I guess it's Christmas in July because I'm gifting this long ass update. Enjoy.

Previously on T.S. 2

That night, the bed was overthrown by them as they wanted to sleep in our bed with the birthday girl and I got pushed to the edge of the bed by Braxton due to his wild ass sleeping habits. I was chopped liver for Nicki's birthday, but I didn't care because they eventually were thrown to Solo and Robyn so that they couldn't cockblock the evening after Nicki's birthday dinner.



     It was the crack of dawn when I woke up for work and like usual, I let myself have ten minutes to get my bearings for the day. I also used this time to just stare at my wife in her sleep. Some days she'd be up before me, and some days I wouldn't even go to sleep with her because she was called to the hospital at night. So I always cherished the mornings that I got to hold her in my arms for a bit longer and I was glad that she was getting her much needed beauty sleep.

When it was finally time for me to get up, I slipped out of Nicki's grasp and like clockwork she began to stir in her sleep from the loss of contact.

"Go back to sleep Angel. You gotta work today?" I softly whispered and Nicki nodded with her eyes closed.

"Okay baby. You need me to set an alarm for you ?" I asked and she shook her head no while steadily drifting back to sleep on my side of the bed. I made sure the covers were covering her the way she liked before I kissed her temple and went to go get ready for the day. After showering and getting dressed, I tackled my hair and did some light makeup before I went to the first level of the bedroom where my work stuff was. Once I packed everything I needed for the day, I did one last glance upstairs to make sure Nicki was still good before I exited the bedroom and went to go check on the nuggets.

     First was Braxton and when I opened his room door, I grinned from seeing him soundly sleeping with his green nightlight illuminating his face. I used my powers to give him a kiss on his cheek and I knew he felt it because he hummed and softly grinned in his sleep.

     I then closed his door and went to go check on the girls who were sleeping just like Brax in their rooms. I kissed them good morning before I went to go to baby boy's room and made sure he was okay too. Once my round of patrol was completed, I went downstairs and decided to take the motorcycle to work today. So after putting the alarm back on, I made my way to work and mentally prepared myself for the bullshit that never fails to land on my desk everyday.

When I finally arrived at work, I kept my riding gear on until I got to my office where I took all of it off in my private bathroom. Once I got situated at my desk, I began responding to emails and these damn employees made me hate being a genius because what feels like common sense and baseline knowledge must have not been taught to these people.

"But if I started cutting people's paychecks over their incompetence I'd be in the wrong" I mumbled as I felt it was wild that I paid stupid people to sit in these offices and waist my time.

Then I had meetings on top of meetings with the board, and the dean of each college to go over academic progress and thankfully the deans got the message that I'd cut from their budget in a heartbeat if I didn't get results so I only had to be an asshole to the members of the board so far. It was very warranted because their ideas were extremely faulty and were driven by greed instead of what was best for the university. They were trying to run this place like a private institution and I had to bring them down a few notches. Inflation was a bitch, but greedy white men were even worse than that. Now the Lucifer in me would be all for the greed and corruption, but sadly I genuinely liked the field of education and couldn't see myself ever neglecting hardworking students despite a good chunk of them having both a hidden and blatantly obvious lusting after me.

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