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Previously on T.S. 2

"Oh please, if you don't get under these covers and hush" she giggled out as we both went to get under the sheets. Once we got settled, Rih chose to be the big spoon as she laid her head on my back and continued to rub my stomach. I turned the lights off with my phone before plugging it into the charger and grabbing the remote to turn on the tv. We spent the rest of the night watching Living Single reruns while talking about things like where we were gonna put the nursery and how many days of the week I was gonna work in the home office since Rih was being stubborn and making me stay home.

     At some point we fell asleep talking and in my dreams, I envisioned what Eryss would look and sound like. It was the most beautiful thing ever and it was then that I succumbed to the wonderful soul connection that came with motherhood.



     It was the crack of dawn and the house was as quiet as a mouse, but of course my ass was up and it was for a good reason at that. Ever since Nicki became a surgeon I've naturally formed a routine of waking up around the time Nicki gets off no matter how early or late it is just so I can get her wind down routine ready as soon as she steps into the house. Since her hours are very inconsistent due to being on call, Nicki always calls me during the day when she finally has an estimated time that she'll get off, but as a surgeon that estimated time almost never becomes factual. So while I keep the estimated time in mind, I wait until Nicki texts me right before she's actually about to get off so that I can wake up just enough to do stuff like run her bath water and put her designated transition robe by the garage door since she takes her contaminated scrubs off before stepping into the house. I also put detergent and fabric softener in the washing machine since the next place she stops on her journey upstairs is the laundry room to dump her scrubs so all she has to do is put the clothes in and turn the washing machine on.

In addition, I put a plate of leftovers in the oven for her so that she'll have a hot meal waiting for her because I know she barely eats real meals when at the hospital and lastly, I laid out her bath towels, wash cloths and shower scrub for when she takes her post bath shower. To track all of this and make sure everything is hot and fresh, I check her location as she's driving to see how much time I have.

Like right now she's just now leaving the hospital parking lot so I went down the relax and unwind checklist starting with the tasks that don't require temperature changes before making my way to the bath water lastly right as she was getting off the highway. Another reason that I always love doing this for her is because I've learned that it helps me mentally with my protectiveness of her. I don't have P.T.S.D. anymore, but I still don't ever feel like I can relax fully when Nicki isn't in the vicinity for longer than a day. She's usually on call for up to 72 hours straight and that's not including peak injury seasons where sometimes I'll barely even see her for a week straight so when I finally get that text that she's coming home, I use my little helpful tasks to keep my mind from running 'cause I'm not going back to sleep until Onika Tanya Maraj-Knowles steps her ass into this fucking house where I can at least smell her presence.

Before I went to sleep I checked on the other four babies to make sure they were content, but the house is never at complete peace until my fifth and final baby is home safe. So after doing all of my tasks, I laid in the bed until I heard her pulling her Benz into the vault. It takes her some time to actually come in the house because she has to basically strip and put her dirty scrubs in a bag so that they don't touch anything in the house. I knew she'd finished getting into her robe once the alarm system went off and went silent due to her disarming it.

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