4-Early Birthday Present

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Previously on T.S. 2

"Thank you for handling things baby" she whispered while kissing my cheek and I grinned.

"You thought I was gonna be lenient on someone following you?" I replied and Robyn shook her head while getting more comfortable.

"No, but still thank you" she finalized and I just silently rubbed her back.

"I love you Ro" I calmly voiced as I could feel myself getting sleepy.

"I love you more So" she replied while closing her eyes and sighing in relief.

     From there I made myself stay awake until Robyn had fell asleep peacefully and then I finally let myself indulge in my own slumber.


Continuation of last chapter
Earlier that day
Nicki POV

"Nicki you leaving us for the week?" One of my residents asked with a pout on her face.

"Sadly Meg. It's officially birthday week for me and this vacation time has been set in stone for a year. Dr. Brandt is just like me though so you guys should be more than okay shadowing him" I replied while grabbing my water bottle and empty chicken salad container.

"I don't know no other neurosurgeon that is as understanding and patient as you, but if you say so" Meg voiced while folding her lips in pettily and I chuckled.

"I have four kids and one adult child. Patience and understanding is how I survive in the household" I giggled out as I walked to hand in my last patient file of the day.

"So what are the birthday plans because you couldn't spend last year's birthday off"

"Well my actual birthday is at the end of the week, so I think I'm just gonna have a big family gathering since my children will be back in the states with my parents. However, until then it'll just be my wife and I to ourselves since I haven't gotten to spend quality time with her in a minute" I happily voiced while thinking about my baby.

"Aww I know you're excited about that. Don't have too much fun now" Meg chuckled out and I rolled my eyes.

"There's no such thing as too much fun. Especially when you're dealing with Beyoncé"

"Has anyone ever told you that your eyes twinkle whenever you say her name?" She asked and I nodded.

"I've heard similar comments from my friends. I can't help it, she literally flipped my life around and I haven't looked back since" I voiced with a smile as I handed in the patient file and turned to Meg.

"Well don't let me keep your twin flame waiting. Have fun on your week off Nicki" she finalized and I smiled as I told her and the other residents goodbye before making way out of the hospital. Once I reached my car, I made the 45 minute drive back home and as soon as I walked in the door I smiled giddily from seeing food, a smoothie, my medicine and a bunch of replenished hair products surrounding a vase of flowers.

"Awww baby" I quietly voiced to myself as I walked over to the kitchen counter and opened the food bag. As I took everything out and drank my favorite smoothie, I sensed Bey's presence nearing followed by the sounds of her footsteps until she was behind me. Her arms wrapped around my waist as she planted a kiss on my cheek.

"I figured you'd be hungry after your shift so I picked up a few things" she voiced and I grinned as I turned to her and kissed her lips.

"Thank you baby. Your hair looks really nice. Did mama Tina do it?" I asked and she nodded.

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