Louis shrugs, not making eye contact. "I'll probably stay in the frat house and find something to work here in Florida. I don't want to go back in England."

"Why not?"

Louis doesn't answer, which frustrates Harry but he doesn't push the subject any further. Instead, he thinks about what he can do to help Louis change his mind.

He looks at Liam and Sophia making out on Liam's lounge chair, and then turns his head to see Barbara and Niall in the water, wrestling to get the other underwater.

"Do you want to go in the water?" he asks Louis after a few minutes, when he feels like he's going to burn alive. Also, because he sees Dave coming towards him and he doesn't want to turn down his suggestion to accompany him to an empty suite for the fifth time in the past two days.

"Sure." Louis says and gets up from his chair.

He sees Dave approaching Harry, so he quickly takes off his shirt and tells him that he'll race him into the water. Harry happily obliges, and falls over as soon as a small wave hits his knees.

"So that's how giraffes look when they fall." Louis tells him when Harry comes back up next to him, the water reaching his waist.

"I didn't know dwarfs could swim."

"Fuck you." Louis says, although it's not mean, just playful.

"Fuck you right back."

"Will you two stop with the banter and already fuck?" Niall yells from a few meters away and that's when Barbara finally manages to get him underwater.

Louis fits bumps her, completely avoiding the tension that has now been created due to Niall's words. Harry tackles him into the water, and the last thing he hears before Louis goes down is his scream.

"You fuckin' idiot! My hair is all wet now! I just washed it yesterday!" Louis exclaims when he comes back up for air.

"Eh, wasn't that good looking to begin with."

"Oh, you're the one to talk with those long curls of yours."

"At least I can pull my hair up in a bun."

Louis rolls his eyes and Harry reaches out to slap the waistband of his trunks against his skin. Louis retaliates by splashing water into his eyes, and then water fight begins, to which both Barbara and Niall join in.

"Stop!" Louis eventually screams when Harry grabs him by the waist and lifts him up to throw him into the water.

"Already giving up?"

"Yes." he whines and Harry lets him down, but Louis wraps his legs around him. Harry looks at him weirdly because he was definitely not expecting that.

"What are you doing? Showing affection in public?" he asks.

"It's not affection. I'm just technically straddling you underwater. Completely PG rated."

"Oh really?" Harry smirks. "And what's not PG rated in your opinion?"

Louis smiles and leans in to kiss him. In plain sight. Where everyone can see that he, Louis Tomlinson, is actually kissing a boy.

"See? Now that's PG-13." Louis laughs and Harry nods, pursing his lips for another one.

"Eh, now you're gettin' greedy." But he leans in to kiss Harry again, this time with his tongue already out.

Harry's arms properly wrap around Louis' waist now, and they're making out quite obscenely. He can hear Niall whistling close by, but he ignores it because this is perfect. Louis has never kissed him in front of anyone ever, and he's also completely (well, almost) sober.

You're An Asshole (But I Love You)Where stories live. Discover now