Chapter 3

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I really like this part even though it's shorter than usual.

Please leave comments throughout the chapter because they always make my day :)



Jake's fist hits Louis straight in the jaw, and causes him to stumble backwards until he falls on his ass. Louis doesn't waste any time though, because he's up in a split of a second in spite of his current state of drunkenness, and lunges forward.

People have started noticing, and there is already a little circle forming around the three of them.

"Did you just punch me in the fucking nose?" Louis yells right as he knocks Jake over on the floor next to the bar.

He begins throwing punches left and right, and at one point Harry is sure he heard Jake's nose crack, even over all the screaming and the music.

Harry knows he's got little time left to get out of his shocked state and break them apart before security comes and hurls them out which will end in one of two ways; they'll either end up spending the night in jail for underage drinking and causing a public disturbance, or they'll end up spending the night in the hospital.

"Louis!" Harry yells, finally stepping towards them and trying to get him off of Jake. "Stop it! You're drunk-"

"Fuck off!"

Harry doesn't even get the time to actually pull Louis away, because there's a fist in his face and then a few more people join the brawl. Harry recognizes a few of them as being on the lacrosse team.

This is NOT going to end good. Harry thinks as he presses a hand against his cheek and bleeding lip. The punch wasn't that bad, thank God.

The next thing he knows, Zayn, Niall, and the rest of the footie team join Louis in beating up the lax team. It all goes to hell when a few of the cheerleaders start with punches and hair pulling against the girls that probably came with the lacrosse team.

Harry tries once again to pull a bloody-knuckled Louis away from a bloody-faced Jake, but it's too late because that's when about ten bodyguards invade their space and elbow their way to the middle of the fight, screaming and yelling out orders.

The buffest of them all grips into the back of Louis' collar and literally pulls him off the ground with such a force, Harry is certain he could be strangled. The guy then hoists Jake up, wraps his arms around each of their waists and lifts them up over his shoulders.

"That's fuckin' incredible." Niall says Zayn and he are pulled by their arms out of the club. Harry feels someone push him forward, and realizes that he's also being escorted out of the club, together with everyone who participated in the fight.

When they get outside, there are about twenty football and lacrosse players, as well as some girls from the cheerleading squad and girlfriends, who are being pushed against several police cars with their hands behind their backs. Everyone, including Harry, who's currently being pushed against a door of a police car and handcuffed.

"We're fucked." He tells Zayn when they're in the police car, together with Niall and Bryan.

"Tell me about it. Who's going to come and bail us out?"

"I think we need to call coach." Niall sighs from the front seat. "He usually bails us out if we ever get in trouble."

Harry leans back into the seat and sighs.

This is going to be a long fucking night.


The 'drunk tank' of the local police department is a giant room with no windows, white walls and long benches from the door all the way to the back. And of course, it reeks of alcohol and vomit, even though it's clean.

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