Chapter 4

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This is by far my favorite part out of all of them, so I hope you like it too :)

Thank you for the comments on the last chapter, keep them coming :D

Enjoy !


After the night in the drunk tank, Harry finds out that Liam had the decency to go back to the club in the morning, and even though it was closed, he managed to get the coats and personal belongings back to everyone.

Harry and Louis don’t meet up for a study session the following week after the whole brawl incident, because Louis has practice more often than usual, given the fact that they’re going to travel to Louisiana at the end of the week for the third game of the season to see if they will qualify to the quarter finals.

Which also means that the campus will be quieter than usual because the frat boys (except Zayn and two more) will be out of town, as well as more than half of the sorority.

It all goes downhill, though, when Liam comes into their dorm on Wednesday, two days before leaving for Louisiana, all sweaty and smiling.

“What are you so smiley about?” Harry asks him and closes his laptop.

“Please don’t hate me.”

“Oh my God, what did you do?”

“Well. You know how the team photographer-Joshua something- got kicked out of school last year for not attending classes?”

“Uh, yeah?”

“Well, coach just announced that we need a new photographer ASAP to come with us this weekend and take some shots for the paper-“



“No. Please tell me you did not sign me up just because I own a camera and because I once said that I’d like to be a photographer instead of a psychologist.”

“Well-maybe. It’ll be fun, come on! You’ll get your own room, all your expenses are paid, and you get to come party with us after the win!”

“And what if we lose?”

“We can’t afford to think like that right now. If we lose this game, then we won’t qualify for the USA College Cup. Come on Harry, pleaseeee?”

“Alright, alright,” Harry says.

“Yes, you’re the best! I’ll let coach know tomorrow at practice. We leave on Friday at ten so we can be there at six for dinner at the hotel restaurant.”


Liam is about to go in the shower, but Harry calls his name.


“You’re buying my drinks when we go out after the win though.”


Harry smiles and opens his laptop to start on his psychology 101 paper that’s due next week, since he won’t get to write it this weekend.


On Friday, Harry wakes up to Liam shaking him repeatedly.

“What time ‘sit?”

“It’s half past seven, come on, you have to pack.”

“I thought we were leaving at ten.”

“We are, but it’s going to take some time for you to pack everything you have, and then for you to take a shower while I unpack everything you packed because you won’t need half the stuff.” Liam replies.

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