Chapter 7

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I like this chapter :) Also, sorry for not posting it yesterday, but I had my midterm deadline this week so I was quite busy !

Thank you for the comments on the last chapter, keep them coming :D

Enjoy !


Harry grips harder into the microphone as he presents the first twenty frat boys, who bring in from 60 to 100 dollars.

"Next up is Zayn Malik. He's twenty, single, and gender isn't important for him. His perfect date would be a walk on the beach, then dinner at sunset and maybe drinks back at his place. He doesn't like close-minded people and loves pizza. The bidding will start at ten dollars."

Immediately, three different girls raise their number palettes.




They begin arguing, shouting out numbers higher than the one before, until one of them yells 'two hundred' and everyone else goes silent.

"Two hundred going once...going twice...sold! To number 45."

Zayn smiles and throws a wink in the girls' direction before walking off the stage.

"Next up is..." Harry looks down at his board. Two more to go. "Niall Horan."

Niall steps forward with a giant grin on his face.

"Niall is twenty, taken, and straight, but open-minded for anything that could be fun. His perfect date involves a lot of eating and laughing, but he hates awkward silences. The bidding will start at ten dollars."

Barbara raises her palette and shouts out for fifty dollars. The steaks rise to seventy, and in the end Liam ends up buying him for $110. Harry frowns and Barbara gives him a thumbs up.

"Last but not least, we have Louis Tomlinson, president of the ABZ fraternity and captain of the foot-soccer team." Harry stutters as he reads off the sheet. "He's twenty turning twenty one, single, and prefers...women. His ideal date would be an amusement park, or a dinner and a movie. Louis likes people he can have long, amusing conversations with, and hates it when someone is dishonest. The auction will start at ten dollars."

Someone in the back yells twenty, then two more people raise the cost to fifty-five.

"One hundred!" Someone screams and Louis is horrified to find out that the person is Eleanor.

"One hundred and ten!" Barbara yells.

"Two hundred!"

"Two hundred fifty!"

"Two hundred seventy!" Eleanor tries to win, but fails.

"Three hundred!"

The room grows quiet, and Louis thankfully smiles at Barbara.

"Three hundred going once...twice...sold! To number thirty-two!"

Louis beams as he walks off stage, and Harry follows suit.

"Three fucking hundred for a date with you?" Harry incredulously tells Louis as the next frat house steps on stage.

"I knew Barbara had a crush on me." Louis jokes and Niall pokes his arm as Harry reads through the numbers and the prices on his list, before he hands the sheet over to the student council president.

"So when are we supposed to go on the date?" Louis asks Harry as they make their way out of the auditorium to meet up with Barbara.

"Whenever she wants. As far as the student council knows and cares, she paid. The rest is up to the two of you."

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