Chapter 8

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I like this chapter :) Also, sorry for not posting the past 2 weeks but I've been busy with midterms!

Thank you for the comments on the last chapter, keep them coming :D

Enjoy !

Louis steps away from Harry who can't even move because he knows he's in a lot of trouble. The dean looks at them, then at the cat, and then back at Harry.

"Is that your cat Mr. Styles?"

"Uh...yeah it is."

"Actually, it's mine." Louis quickly says, scratching the back of his head.

Harry shoots him a confused look, not sure what is happening right now.

"I thought you lived in one of the fraternity houses? What is the cat doing here then? It's against the rules to even bring an animal in the building."

"Oh, come on-" Louis starts but he's being interrupted.

"Regardless of who's animal belongs to, it is against the rules to keep one here. So I'm going to ask you to gather your stuff and find another place to stay until you reapply for a dormitory once again."

"What? Are you making me leave because of a cat?" Harry asks, not believing what he's hearing.

"You will be able to apply for housing 30 days after your eviction. According to the rules, you have 48 hours to gather your things and leave. Also, you can thank Mr. Tomlinson for this since it's his cat. Maybe you can room with him until you get another place."

The dean's voice is dripping with sarcasm and Harry wants to bash his face in. He's never been angrier in his life than he is right now.

The dean leaves them alone after that so he can go and continue his monthly surprise checkup with the rest of the people in the building.

"Well shit." Harry sighs and slumps back against the wall. "What the fuck am I supposed to do now?"

"You could, you know."

"Could what?"

"Come live in the uh-frat house."

"Are you seriously inviting me to come and live with you for a month because you feel sorry for me?"

"Yeah, I am. Also, I feel bad and I don't want another person hating me. Even though it's you."

"I'm surprised and shocked at the same time. Are you sure you didn't hit your head? Because this definitely doesn't sound like you."

"It is me, feeling guilty for what just happened to you, offering you a warm place to stay for the next thirty days."

Harry looks at him weirdly, but doesn't say anything else. "Where will I sleep?"

"We can put an extra bed in your room or something, it won't be that hard."

Harry leans back against the wall, suddenly becoming very aware that they're alone once again with nothing stopping them from kissing or doing anything else.

" probably won't be." Harry says, not really remembering what they are supposed to be talking about.

He's staring maybe a bit too obvious at Louis' lips, but sue him. He's somewhat horny and his anger isn't helping at all.

"So um...I better get going before something else happens." Louis stutters, although he doesn't move from his spot.

"Sure. I'll pack up tonight and bring my stuff over tomorrow after classes. But, are you sure about this?"

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