Chapter 12

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I really like this chapter, so make sure you comment throughout it to let me know what you think :D

Enjoy !

Harry wakes up with Louis taped to his back and Niall yelling at them to get up the next morning. After a few seconds of recollection, Harry realizes that it's the morning they're supposed to be leaving for Panama City.

"The bus leaves in an hour so unless you want to walk or pay a hundred dollars for a plane ticket you're going to have to get your arses upnow."

Harry groans but rolls out of bed, running a hand through his hair to tame it. Louis still isn't ready to get out of bed, so Harry just leaves the room to walk back to his dorm and finish the packing he started yesterday.

He gets the call from Niall to be at the curb in two minutes so they can pick him up with the cab that will drive them to the place where they're supposed to catch the bus.

Harry hurries up with the closing of his suitcase, and only then does he walk out, making sure he locked the door twice before he walks towards the elevator.

The cab is already there, and he shares it with Niall, Barbara, and Bryan. Where they arrive in the parking lot, the bus hasn't arrived yet, but all the people Harry is supposed to go to Panama City with are there, all carrying heavy suitcases and backpacks.

Everyone is chatty, obviously excited about the week ahead, and Harry can't help but smile when he catches Louis' gaze a few meters away.

Louis leaves the group he's been chatting to so he can come over to Harry with a grin on his face.

"You excited for spring break Curly?"

"Mhm. You?"

"Really excited. Looking forward to the booze and the ladies."

Harry's face falls at that and Louis doesn't miss it.

"Why the long face?"

Harry shrugs. "No reason. Just...Nevermind."

"No, come on. Tell me now. You've made me curious."

Harry is about to open his mouth even though he has no idea how to explain to Louis that he doesn't like the idea of him fucking other girls in a room they are possibly going to share. Thankfully though, the bus is pulling up next to them and everyone drifts their attention to their suitcases, getting busy with loading up.

The bus is small, made for twenty people, so Harry's planning on sitting alone when Dave just plumps down next to him with a smile on his face.

"Hi." Harry says, not sure whether he's supposed to be grateful or not that Dave is paying attention to him. He decides on the first option, because if Louis doesn't have a plan to get together with him then Harry might as well drift his attention to someone else. And Dave is handsome, tall (well, the same height as Harry), not to mention that he's got blonde hair and blue eyes.

Also, he's really fit and funny sometimes, so Harry considers it a win.

The bus ride takes around three hours with four different stops for gas and that one time Louis really had to pee so they had to pull up on the side of the highway just for him.

The Holiday Inn is gigantic, like a semi circle facing the beach and Harry knows they got lucky with the prices and rooms, judging by the mass of cars in the parking lot and the people roaming around the hotel.

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