Chapter 6

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They get to know each other a little better in this one.

Thank you for the comments on the last chapter, keep them coming :D

Enjoy !


Harry wakes up the next day when someone violently shakes him.

"What the- what?" he mumbles and rubbed his eyes, blinking up at Louis in confusion.

"The door has been unlocked."

"Did anyone see us?" Harry asks and stands up with shaky feet, still half asleep.

"No, I don't think the lady saw us, so we better move before she comes back and asks us why we are here so early in the morning."

Harry stares at him for a few seconds, trying to figure out whether Louis remembers what happened just a few hours ago. He wants to ask Louis about it, but he doesn't, because they're already outside the building and Louis hasn't said anything at all. The silence might also be a positive answer to Harry's question.

"So um...I guess we should stick to studying at each other's places from now on," Louis finally says while they're waiting for the bus.

Harry has to get back to his dorm before his first lecture, and so does Louis.

"Yeah...I guess. Um. How about Tuesday's and Thursday's? Exams are in less than a month so-"

"Whatever you say. I just want to go home and nap for a bit."

"We have class in two hours."

"Then I can nap for an hour and forty minutes."

Harry tries to hold down a smile and fails, but the bus is just turning the corner so their conversation is cut short there. The bus ride is quiet, and Harry can sense some serious unspoken tension between them as they sit next to each other.

"So when and where are we meeting today at seven?" Louis asks once they're both off the bus.

"Um...well I sometimes go for a coffee after my last lecture-"

"You drink coffee in the evening?"

"Yeah, enough to keep me awake and focused until midnight so I can study."

"You're weird."

"So see you at six at Starbucks?"


"What's wrong with Starbucks?" Harry asks, kind of offended.

"Don't you think it's a bit too mainstream?"

"Oh please stop with this bullshit. It's only 'mainstream' because people make it mainstream. The coffee is good, the place isn't that noisy in the evening, and it's close to my dorm. What else do you want?"

"Nothing, nevermind. I'll call you once I get off from practice."


Then they part ways; Harry walks straight forward towards his dormitory building, and Louis takes a left turn to get to the frat house.

They don't mention the blowjob incident until later that night.


Harry gets out from his lecture at six on the dot, and asks Barbara if she'd like to grab a coffee with him, since she isn't supposed to do any physical activity for two weeks. She twisted her ankle at practice yesterday and was now walking with crutches from her sorority house to lectures and back.

She shouldn't be accompanying Harry to a coffee shop two blocks away, but she does anyway, to Harry's relief. He really feels like he has to speak to someone about the whole Louis situation, and Barbara is the closest thing he has to a best friend that knows how to keep their mouth shut.

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