Chapter 10

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I really like this chapter, so make sure you comment throughout it to let me know what you think :D

Enjoy !


Their friendship does change once they're back to the frat house. Louis stops being sarcastic and annoying, and Harry stops insulting his height and strength. It's weird, but somehow, it's better.

Harry applies for a new dormitory in the first weekend after they're back to school, and Louis acts pleased about it, saying that he's finally going to be able to masturbate in peace.

"Shut up, you're going to miss me." Harry tells him that Saturday night when they're both in the room. Harry is working on an assignment Louis should also be working on but isn't, and Louis is playing on the PS4.

He's sitting on the bed with his legs crossed under himself, and he's wearing a big FSU hoodie (that's actually Harry's) and he looks so tiny Harry just wants to put him in his pocket. Well, after he completely wrecks him but that's not the point.

"You're right, who else is going to clean around here? I would be lost without you s'the truth."

"You are a slob."

"Am not!" Louis protests. "You're just a clean freak."

Harry sighs, because Louis is right and also because he likes it when Louis smiles, thinking he's right.

"So no party tonight? It's a Saturday night after all."

"Well it's Zayn's 21st on Tuesday, but we're going to celebrate him next weekend since he went home yesterday. Which also means that I've got a joint in my bedside table that needs to be smoked. Care to join me?"

"Um, no thank you. Aren't you afraid of the drug test they put you up to when you go to medical check-ups?"

"Not really." Louis carelessly answers and pauses the game so he can reach out to his bedside table and get out the joint.

Harry watches him light it, and then take two long drags before letting the smoke out.

"You sure you don't want a smoke?" Louis asks again, pointing the joint at Harry.

Harry hesitates, and Louis knows he's won when he gets up from his bed. Harry sits down next to him with a smile, putting a leg under himself.

He takes the spliff from Louis and does just as Louis did a few seconds ago.

"You've ever smoked weed before?"

Harry shrugs. "If I did, I don't really remember."

"So no. Jesus, talk about being a virgin."

"I'm definitely not a virgin."

"Oh really? Who was the last person and when was the last time you've had sex with?" Louis questions, turning his entire body towards Harry so he can look at him properly.

"Um...I think it was a few months ago."

"How many, to be more specific?"


"Over half a year? Jesus Christ!" Louis exclaims and begins laughing. "I've had sex last week."

Harry's face falls. "What? When?"

"You were at this seminar and I had a cheerleader over."

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