Successful Restlessness

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Breakfast was already done first thing when you woke up. It was an easy omelet with tea, which all were on the table as per usual. You walk to the closest seat and try to sit Moon down.

Keyword: try.

How come such a small thing have a horrifyingly strong grip? And Moon of all? Wrapped around you like they wanted to become second skin altogether?

Your worry sparked as you tried, at least, to make Moon look at you— or up at all. But nope, he's determined to stay hidden away. Sighing softly, you relent and sit down with the other over you, having to be careful with their limp leg. Dragging the seat close, you now have both your arms free, taking the coverings of food off and setting two cups down to fill them with tea. The omelets were made into sandwiches, a habit you got from the family's normal breakfast. The thought made your stomach ache for tea, and you agree, pouring the hot liquid in the cups.

"Moon, darling," You call, resting your hands over their arms. Instead of answering, Moon simply turns stiffly to face the table, their face hidden away from you. They hastily take the steaming cup in their hands and gulp some of it down without a second thought—

You flinch as burning droplets fall from the  corners of their lips into your thighs and you immediately take the cup from the other's bicolored hands before they can continue any further, hissing lightly at how hot the cup is. Sitting it back on the table, you turn Moon your way, worry painted all over your face the same tea is on theirs.

Slowly, Moon plants two hands over their mouth, as if now feeling the burning aches. You are shocked to see tears well in their eyes and you lean over to snatch the water bottle, wanting to give them something cold to relieve the burn. In all honestly, you are a little lost on what else to do other than that. Cold water just seemed like the best option right now. So with that first thought you went.

However, you are stopped when particular sharp teeth bite over your arm, making every thought in your mind take a halt. Despite the sharp edges of said teeth, they don't break skin. Rather, gnawing like a rabid cat would. It takes you a second, maybe two, to realize why. With how hot the tea was, it must have burned their gums. Biting or gritting their teeth would relieve the itchy feeling after said burn.

You knew that from the experience of trying to drink your coffee as fast as possible.

But to bite your arm?

"Moon," You call, gently prying your arm from their jaws. "Moon, sweetheart, you need to let me go," You half plead, feeling the other ease a little with a grunt of displeasure, but they still pry their mouth from you. Instead, they use their thump to press over their upper gums, feeling over the abused area as it itched painfully.

Finally having the bottle at hand, you open it and hand it over, to which Moon took a sip, stared at the hard plastic of the opening, then started to both chew and try to drink to cool their tongue down, which quickly resulted in them choking down—

You tensed, fumbling about to pat over the other's back as they coughed— the gnawing didn't stop, however, as they kept on going with their previous biting, this time not restraining themselves as they did with your arm. The bottle creaked under the pressure of their jaws, their sharp teeth leaving dents over the opening.

Shifting the alien over your lap, you carefully take the bottle from their hands, much to Moon's hissings. Their eyes still don't meet yours, too focused on the movements of your hands. "You'll hurt yourself if you keep that up," You sigh, standing up. You're more than sure that that sippy cup had a silicon tip, which would be better to save jaw pain and not spill any more water and make Moon choke because of his behavior. Of course, the other clings to you the moment you stand up, making their displeasure clear with how tight they clinched their fists over your back. "I know dear, it's okay, I promise. Let's just get you your cup, hmm?" You soothe in a gentle tone as you walk to the sink.

My Baby (Sun/Moon x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu