Chapter 28 - WELL DONE

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Leila Morrow

I woke up at dawn because I had to pee so badly. My naked body was tangled with Ares, so I slowly slipped away. When I got up, I heard a vibrating noise from his nightstand.

I quickly went to the toilet and strolled to the side of his bed. The ID said Meimei, which I know is a Chinese word for sister. When the call stopped, it showed that she already called her at least twenty times.

"Ares," I whispered as I tapped his chest. He opened his eyes and sat up, "What is it? What happened? Are you okay?" He looked at me.

"Your phone keeps vibrating, and I think you should call her back." He grabbed his phone and saw all the missed calls. He let out a long sigh before calling his sister back.

"What?" I sat on the bed in front of him as he looked out to the window.

"Ariana, we've talked about this. I told you I'm not going to Beijing." He turned to me for a split second and then returned to the window, "And do you expect me to believe that? Huh? I'm not buying it!"

"Ariana, you must stop accusing me when you don't know the whole fucking story. I'm not going to Beijing, and that's final. If he wants to see me, then come to Seattle." He ended the call and threw his phone to the ground.

He looked stressed out since he ran his hands through his hair.

"Are you okay?" I asked, and Ares grabbed my body, making me sleep beside him.

"Nothing you should be worried about." He snuggled to me.

"Ariana, she's your sister, right?" I asked him carefully. I don't want to make him uncomfortable.


"Are you close with her?"



"Yeah, but I'm not as crazy as Luke. I didn't cut off my communication with my sister."

"Why did she ask you to go to Beijing?" I asked, and he closed his eyes, "Let's just go back to sleep."

"Ares." He opened his eyes and looked at me, raising his eyebrows.

"Do you want me to fuck you again or?"



"You're avoiding my question."

"My dad has cancer, and she has been begging me to return to Beijing." It was pretty clear to me that he didn't want to go back. His tone was flat.

"You should go."

"And you think I'll listen to you?" His tone was cold and annoyed. He gave Ariana the same tone earlier, and he hates it.

"You should quickly get bored of me so I can find a good boyfriend who tries to listen and not be a dick about it." I pushed him away, planning to get away from him.

He grabbed me by my arm, pulling me back to bed. He got on top of me with his hand wrapped around my neck. His other hand was placed beside my head. He cut my airways instantly, and I clawed his hand with my nails.

"Ar-" I dug my nails into his skin. I kicked his back, but he wasn't budging. I gathered all my strength and clawed his cheek. It distracted him a second, and I pushed his body. I got up, grabbed his shirt, and ran downstairs.

Before I could reach the front door, he grabbed me and pinned me to the wall beside the door.

"You're so fucked, Leila. I'm going to fucking lock you up." He picked me up on his shoulder like I was a rice sack. I clawed his back, punching it too. He brought me down to the basement, where there was an extra guest room.

"No, Ares." I tried to get off of him, but he was too strong. When he put me down, I clawed him again. He threw my body to the bed and locked me from the outside.

"Ares! No!" I screamed as I got up. I banged the door hard, but all I heard was him going upstairs.

"Ares!" I screamed again, hoping that he'd change his mind.

Ares Young

I drove my bike towards the headquarters like a maniac. Even the speed can calm the fire that was burning inside my chest. My head felt like it was about to explode, and all the scratches she gave me burned like acid on my skin.

Just as I thought, Leila is actually like everyone else.

As soon as I entered the headquarters, I grabbed the sharpest knife and went straight to the dungeon. I pressed the red button, releasing all the prisoners there.

My killing spree started.

I stabbed everyone as much as I could, looking straight into their eyes as I did it. My body was out of control, my mind went blank, and my thoughts were empty.

"Ares." Someone called me from afar.

My killing spree continued.

"Ares!" Someone pulled my body and snatched my knife away. Before I could see who stopped me, he punched me hard until my back kissed the ground.

Clyde was the one who stopped me, and Asher was the one who snatched my knife away. They both let out a long sigh.

"You killed my fucking witness." Asher sighed as he got up from checking the man's pulse. Clyde grabbed my hand, helping me up. My whole body was drenched in blood.

They didn't question anything because they knew what was wrong with me.

"Nice scratch," Clyde commented.

"Take a fucking shower and get some rest," Asher said, but I didn't budge. Clyde had to push my body so I would walk out. Tim waited outside and gave me a wet towel to wipe the blood off my hands.

"Take a shower and have a drink with me. I'll be waiting for you at my office." He patted my back and pushed me into the elevator. Tim joined me, and I leaned against the wall, looking down.

"Send Katia to my house, and I locked Leila in the basement. Give her what she needs but never let her out or I'm going to fucking kill you." When we arrived at the ground floor, I walked to the changing room. I showered and looked at myself in the mirror.

There are four scratches crossing from my left cheek down to my lips. My eyes landed on another four scratches on my shoulder. I stared straight into my reflection, grinning like a psychopath.

"Well done, my wildcat. Fucking well done."

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