Chapter 4 - PLEASE

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Leila Morrow

I just got fired. Not only me but the whole team.

Ares wasn't playing about it, was he? I was looking at the new camera that I just bought with the money that he gave me yesterday when I got a call from Jaz.

"We're fired, Leila. I don't know why; they plan to change the whole team." I didn't say anything, and I can't.

I sat on the bench in the middle of the park, debating what I should do next to solve this.

My phone vibrated, and I pulled it out, hoping it would be Poppy so I could cry my heart out, but it was a text from the crazy man instead.

Ares: New camera, wildcat?

This man dares to talk to me after making my life hell. I blocked his number and put my phone inside my bag. Another vibration from my phone. It has to be Poppy this time.

Ares: If you dare to block me again, I'll fucking kill you.

I blocked his second number and walked back to my apartment. My brain tried to process what had happened because it felt like a movie. Yesterday, I was fine and happy despite being sleep-deprived and tired.

I'm regretting this so much.

I took my phone out and dialed my only safe place, Leo. I entered my apartment and put the camera on the living room table.

"What did I tell you?" I jumped when I heard Ares' voice behind me, and my phone kissed the ground. Before I could react more to the fact that he was inside my apartment, he grabbed me by the nape.

"What is wrong with you?!" I screamed as he wrapped a scarf around my neck, strangling me. "Did I tell you not to block me?" He brought me to the balcony, pushing my body out of the railing.

I screamed, thinking that I was going to fall.

Ares held me by wrapping his hand around the scarf, strangling me, and keeping me simultaneously. My feet were dangling in the air. I was hopeless.

"You're fun-fucking sick!" I squealed, and the scarf wrapped my neck tighter. "I'm going to throw you to jail."

"Why haven't you already, wildcat?"

"What do you want?" I asked, coughing my lungs out. He brought me closer to the balcony, slowly turning my body around. He held on to me with one arm, and his dark brown eyes were full of sadism and wrath.

"What makes you think I want something?" He asked, and the scarf tightened around my neck, choking my life out. I could no longer talk. I tried to breathe as much as I could.

"Ares..." I was losing consciousness. "I'll unblock you," I whispered, and with that, he pulled me up. He threw me to the ground and pulled the scarf from my neck.

What just happened?

My lungs were begging for air, my throat felt numb, and my head was spinning. Ares squatted in front of me and smirked. He caressed my cheek with the back of his hand.

"When I told you not to block me, you should take it seriously." I nodded, and with that, he caressed my head, "You'll learn, wildcat." He grabbed my arm and threw me on his shoulder.

"You're fucking sick," I mumbled.

Ares threw my body to the sofa, and my phone vibrated continuously. I glanced to see Leo's name on the screen. Ares grabbed it and answered the phone. He put it on speaker and put it on my thigh.

"Leila, are you okay? I heard you scream when I picked up the call."

"Call 911. Someone in is my apartment!" The second I finished my sentence, Ares sat beside me.

"Who? Okay!" Leo ended the call. Ares grabbed my phone and threw it out like it was nothing. My jaw dropped, and he sat on the table, facing me.

"You're a slow learner, aren't you, wildcat? He pushed his glasses back to their place. "Tomorrow, I'll deliver his corpse here. You guys dated for two years, right?" H-How did he know?

Ares took out his phone and dialed someone. He put whoever was on the other side on speaker, "Tim, I want updates."

"Mr.Chaves is in a coffee shop. He's currently calling 911, explaining to them about Ms.Morrow." Tim answered, and I looked at him in horror.

"Bring me his head tonight-"

"No! What do you want? Please don't hurt Leo!" I screamed, begging for him to spare Leo.

"Bring his head in two hours." He ended the call, and I kneeled in front of him. Tears filled my eyes, and I grabbed his hands.

"Don't kill Leo, please! I beg you." I kept begging and crying before him until I couldn't feel my legs anymore. Ares was sitting there looking at me like a statue. He looked bored, almost.

"Please..." I held his hand tightly. The more I cried and begged, the more he enjoyed the scene. My hands wiped all the tears on my cheek, and I got up slowly. My hand flew to his cheek, slapping him like it was the only way to life.

"My brother is one of The Ravens. If you want to live, you should leave." I grabbed his arm, pulling him to stand up, but he didn't move an inch.

"I'm pretty sure it's been almost a decade since you communicated with him. You always tell everyone that you're the only child." How? What in the fucking fuckery is this?

Before I could say a word, he wrapped his hand around my neck. He pinned me to the sofa, trapping my body between his legs.

"What do you want from me?" I asked as I clawed his hand for the second time in two days.

"I don't know."

"You don't-" I coughed, "You don't know?" I can't believe this.

"Please leave me alone..." I whispered, and he laughed. He leaned his face closer to me, claiming my lips. I tried to push him away, but his lips drained my soul in a split second. He forced me to kiss him back by pushing my jaw up.

I told myself that I would never give in.

Then he slipped his free hand into my pants, sliding his fingers to my wet folds. He bit my bottom lip until I could taste my blood. He pulled my pants down, exposing my wet pussy to him.


"Please, what? Please fuck you or let you go? I think I'll go with the first option."

BLOODHOUNDS #3: THE MALICEHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin