Chapter 25 - ROOM

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Ares Young

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked without turning my head. Mason stood beside me, looking straight at the field.

"I'm going to give you a fucking award for being a creep."

"Give that to Asher, and he's more of a creep than I am." My eyes were glued to Leila, who was busy running around taking photos. She's laughing with Poppy, Jaz, and Eddy about something.

The stadium was filled with fans from both teams, and she won't be finished for another 3 hours. Why the fuck did I give her job back?

"Give me the shares, Young." I knew he would say that.

"And if I do, what would I get in return?"

"Just give it to me when I'm asking you nicely, fucker." I let out a chuckle before turning my attention to Mason. Mason leaned his back to the railing. Both of his hands were in his pockets.

"You owned eighty-five percent already. Why do you need more? Don't be greedy." I teased him.

"Last Chance, Young." He warned me.

"Why do you turn yourself into a lame bodyguard? Hired someone else to protect her, Calland." He looked like he was going to strangle me to death. I raised both of my hands, pretending to wave my white flag.

"You owe me one, Calland. You owe me one."

"Nice doing business with you, Young." With that, he left. My eyes fell on Leila again, and she was busy taking photos of the players.

Leila Morrow

After finishing our work, we decided to go to the bar. It's been so long since we had a fun girls' night. We're going to put our bags in Jaz's apartment and go there because it's only two blocks away from her place.

My friends have a lot of questions regarding my relationship with Ares. They wanted to know so badly that they kept asking the same question throughout the day.

I was busy checking my work schedule on my phone when Poppy called my name. I looked up to see Ares waiting for me on his bike. He brought my helmet, too.

"I'm going to the bar with the girls," I announced, making him raise a brow.

"Mr.Young." Jaz greeted, Poppy followed, and Greta also greeted him. Ares gave them a nod without looking at them, and his eyes were glued to me.

"Which bar?"

"Our usual one. Go home, and I will spend the night at Jaz's apartment." I said as I walked past his bike, uninterested in talking to him. I'm not in the mood after he threatened Hector this afternoon.

"Didn't I tell you to be nice, wildcat?" He warned, and I froze. I turned to Jaz, Poppy, and Greta, who looked confused at my reaction.

"Oh, my bad, I didn't introduce you to my friends. Jaz, Poppy, and Greta, this is Ares Young. He's my brother's friend. Ares, this is my friends." I put a big fake smile on my face, and Ares glared at me for introducing him as Luke's friend.

"Can I go? I'm sure you're glad that you're not babysitting tonight." I smiled sarcastically at him, and he gave me a nod. Before I could take a step away from him, he grabbed me by my camera bag.

He pulled me into his arms, leaning his face so close to me that I kept leaning back.

"Don't talk to strangers, wildcat. Or I'll have his head on a platter for you." He whispered and kissed me. I pulled away, and he let me go. He started his bike and drove away.

When I turned to my friends, their jaw dropped.

"You're dating Ares Young? The Ares Young..." Jaz freaked out.

"No, we're not. I'm his toy of the month." I walked past her, gesturing them to go.

"You're lying," Greta said as she walked beside me.

"How? How did it happen?" Jaz asked as she linked her arm around me. "How did you attract one of the hottest Bloodhounds members?"

"By throwing two cups of coke to his face after he tripped on my camera," I said, and she squealed. I rolled my eyes and turned to Poppy, who rolled her eyes too.

"Is he good in bed?" Greta asked.

"I don't know."

"How is it like to date one of the hottest men alive in Seattle?" Jaz squealed.

"Like hell."

"You're lying!" Greta pointed out.

"Let's just go. I'm ready to get drunk tonight." After arriving at Jaz's apartment, we changed into our casual outfit. We're not wearing our uniform after a long day of work.

I put my hair into a bun and touched up my makeup before going. After everyone got ready, we went straight to the bar, talking about what we had done for the past three weeks. Once we got in, we sat at an empty table and started ordering drinks.

"Have you met the other members?" Greta asked. She seemed to have so much interest in them.


"For me, Kayden Grant is the hottest of them all," Jaz said.

"It's Clyde Nielsen for me." Greta slipped her bangs back to her ear.

"Hi." My head turned to see a man smiling at me. "I'm sorry. You guys are cute, and we had to ask if we could join you." The man pointed at his other three friends behind him.

I found myself looking around to see if Ares was there. My phone vibrated, and I took it out.

Ares: Looking for me, wildcat?
Ares: Have two seconds to tell that man you have a boyfriend, or I'm cutting his head tonight.

"We're good, thank you." Poppy was about to agree when I cut her. The girls looked at me like I'm fucking crazy. The man apologized and walked away.

"What's wrong with you?" Poppy hissed.

Ares: Embarrassed to say that you have a boyfriend?
Ares: I'm hurt, wildcat.

I turned off my phone and started my night. I explained to Poppy why we can't have those boys, and their jaw dropped. They knew The Bloodhounds consisted of scary people, but they never considered the darkness's extent.

Since I was in a good mood, I kept drinking non-stop. I was having so much fun talking to the girls, enjoying my night after stressing out a lot these days. Greta was already wasted. Jaz was flirting with a man who sat at the table beside us, and as for Poppy, she was busy looking at the man who came to our table earlier.

"Go," I told her, and she hesitated.

"Just go..." I smiled as I pushed her body away. She walked to him and started talking. As if I knew I was being watched, I turned around to see Ares walking toward me. He sat on Poppy's seat, looking at me thoroughly amused.

"You look adorable when you're drunk."

"I'm not drunk."

"Yes, you are."

"I'm not drunk, genius." I hissed, and he chuckled. He leaned closer to me and kissed me. I cupped his face to deepen the kiss. He slipped his tongue in, and we were devouring each other like our last kiss.

"Let's go home." He whispered against my lips.


"If I fuck you here, I must kill everyone in this room, including your friends. Do you want that?" I shook my head.

"Then let's go."

BLOODHOUNDS #3: THE MALICEWhere stories live. Discover now