Chapter 23

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Prince Julian, captivated by his chance encounter with Ella in the marketplace, had a newfound determination. He longed to see her again and learn more about the enchanting young woman who had captured his heart. As days turned into weeks, his thoughts were consumed by thoughts of her.

One evening, as he strolled through the palace gardens, an idea began to form in his mind. He realized that the upcoming royal ball presented the perfect opportunity to find Ella once more. But he also knew that Ella considered herself a humble servant and would never dare to attend such a grand event.

With a resolve that surprised even himself, Prince Julian made a bold proclamation. He summoned his advisors and announced, "I have decided that this year's royal ball shall be unlike any other. I want it to be a celebration of our kingdom's diversity and unity. I decree that all ladies, regardless of their station or birthright, shall be welcome to attend the ball."

His advisors exchanged surprised glances, but Prince Julian's determination was unwavering. He continued, "I believe that true beauty lies within a person's heart, not in their social standing. I want to give everyone, especially those who have been overlooked or marginalized, a chance to shine."

News of the prince's decree spread quickly throughout the kingdom. The people were both astonished and delighted by this unexpected turn of events. The prospect of attending the royal ball filled their hearts with hope and excitement.

Meanwhile, in the shadowed corridors of the castle, Lady Tremaine had caught wind of the prince's proclamation. Her instincts, honed by years of navigating the treacherous waters of the royal court, had kicked into high gear. She suspected that the mysterious figure Ella had encountered in the marketplace might have been none other than Prince Julian himself.

Determined to maintain control over her stepdaughter, Lady Tremaine devised a cunning plan. She approached Ella with a false smile, her voice dripping with false sweetness. "My dear Ella," she cooed, "have you heard the wonderful news? The prince has graciously invited all the ladies of the kingdom to the royal ball. Isn't that splendid?"

Ella's eyes widened with surprise and a glimmer of hope. "Truly, stepmother? But I am just a servant. Do you think I could attend?"

Lady Tremaine's grip on Ella's arm tightened ever so slightly. "Of course, my dear. I would be delighted to see you there. However, there is one condition."

Ella's heart sank as she sensed the impending manipulation. "What is it, stepmother?"

Lady Tremaine leaned in closer, her voice barely above a whisper. "You must prove your worthiness to attend. I want you to complete an impossible task. If you succeed, you shall have my blessing to go to the ball. Fail, and you will remain a servant forever."

Ella's mind raced, trying to comprehend the gravity of the situation. Lady Tremaine's sinister smile revealed her true intentions. She had no intention of allowing Ella to attend the ball and risk encountering the prince. Instead, she sought to keep her stepdaughter trapped in servitude.

Unbeknownst to both Lady Tremaine and Ella, their fates were intertwined, destined to collide at the upcoming royal ball. The prince's decree had set into motion a series of events that would test their resolve, challenge their ambitions, and ultimately lead to a destiny neither could have foreseen.

Lady Tremaine: Bitter HeartWhere stories live. Discover now