Chapter 5

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The opulent lifestyle Lady Tremaine had grown accustomed to began to take its toll on her family. Her obsession with power and ambition had driven a wedge between her and her daughters, Anastasia and Drizella.

One evening, as Lady Tremaine prepared for yet another extravagant ball, she noticed her daughters, once so eager to accompany her, now lingering in the background, their expressions a mix of sadness and resentment. Her heart, which had grown cold and calculating, felt a pang of guilt.

"Anastasia, Drizella," Lady Tremaine called out to them, her tone surprisingly gentle. "Come, help me with my gown. We must look our best tonight."

The sisters exchanged glances, uncertain how to respond. Slowly, they approached their mother, assisting her with her elaborate attire. The act of dressing her brought back memories of a time when they were a happy, loving family.

As they entered the grand ballroom, Lady Tremaine felt a momentary warmth in her heart. The opulent chandeliers cast a dazzling glow on the dance floor, and the orchestra played a melodious waltz. For a fleeting second, Lady Tremaine remembered the joy of dancing with her daughters and husband.

During the evening, Sir Tremaine approached his wife, his eyes filled with sadness. "Ella, it has been so long since we shared a dance together. I miss the days when it was just the four of us."

Lady Tremaine's heart wavered as she glanced at her husband, who once meant the world to her. "We are building a future for our family, my love. These connections and alliances will secure our daughters' future."

Sir Tremaine nodded, but the emptiness in his eyes remained. He understood that his wife's ambition had consumed her, leaving little room for the love and happiness they once shared.

As the night wore on, Anastasia and Drizella watched their mother from a distance, torn between their love for her and their growing resentment. Lady Tremaine's desire for power had blinded her to the pain she was causing her own family.

Lady Tremaine: Bitter HeartWhere stories live. Discover now