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Becky's PoV
My whole life turned upside down with few hours. I hate myself now. I didn't protect my sister. I thought I was the target. They always made me believe I was the target and suddenly I saw Ruby. I really can't explain how I feel seeing my little one hanging there. The forensic team said she has been harassed and I'm surely gonna kill that Sky for that.

Why did he even do that to my sister? She's innocent. She don't know anything. She always used to piss me off but still I do love her. I can't imagine how my life would be without her. Seeing Freen I get more angry. Her brother really? Even though she asked sorry. Should I accept her. What's the compensation for my sister's death. I'll surely make her suffer as well.

I'll kill her brother horrifically just like he did to my sister. I'll cut his cock and feed it to dogs. He's not fit to be a human at all. And who's that creepy lady. Freen never said me about that. She may be a fucking asshole who don't know how to treat people.

I'm crying non stop. I can't take all the information together. It hurts like hell. I don't know how I feel. But I just want to hit anyone or anything I get.

Freen was still beside me. I said "Leave me alone for a while."

She said "But Becky you life.."

I said "I just said you to leave me alone I can take care of myself. I don't need you. Do you understand? Just leave me alone."

I shouted like hell. Of course I'm mad. She left and I hit the tree non stop with my hands. All the frustration I had should be reduced or I can't take it. I bet and bet until Freen came back and stopped me.

She said "Becky don't do that see your hand is bleeding."

I pushed her away and said "Why do you fucking care just leave me alone you slut. Go away."

She didn't speak a word but she didn't go away. She just left me and took a step back. She said "If I'm slut then hit me Becky I'll take your anger. All frustration you want put on me. Come on hit the sister of your sister's murderer. You can even kill me. I'm fed up of explaining you. Come on hit me. Punch me. Kick me. And kill me. I'm ready to die if you are the killer."

I just looked at her and bust out into tears. I might have scolded her in anger but I can never hit her.

I said "I'm sorry Freen I'm just..."

She hugged me while I fell on the ground crying. I can't control my emotions. Blood is dipping from my hand but what hurts more is my heart. The fucking pain like hell. Ruby I'm sorry I couldn't save you. I'm sorry Ruby. Freen rubbed my back to ease my pain but the pain is too deep to be eased.

Finally we went inside the hospital. She put bandage around my hands.Mom was awake. She saw me and said "Ruby. Did she come back Becky. She's not picking the call. Find her know Becky."

I bust into another round of tears. I went near her and held her hand. I said "Mom calm down. Ruby is no more. She's.."

Mom said "Don't lie to me becky call her. I want to see her. I was waiting for her for having dinner. I had prepared her favourite dish. Call her Becky."

I hugged my mom and said "Calm down mom. Please she's no more. Mom can you hear me? Calm down."
I rubbed her back and she again collapsed. I know how much she loves Ruby. I know she loves her more than me. I can't see her like this. I can't afford to loose her as well. She's the only family I'm left with.

Freen said "Becky let her rest for a while." I nodded and she took me out. We sat in the waiting room. I rested my head on her shoulders before falling into a sleep of nightmares. I could only see Ruby hanging on the tree. I felt scared all of a sudden. I could here Ruby say "Becky you left me suffer alone. You left me to be killed. You are the responsible person for my death. I hate you."

I mumbled"No Ruby wait don't go away.."

Freen called me "Becky open your eyes. Are you ok? Relax. Open your eyes becky."

I opened my eyes and hugged Freen tightly. I'm scared and sweating hard.

.............TO BE CONTINUED.............

Hmm have a great day. Don't think more about the plot even I'm thinking it's my job don't use your brains just chill and relax after reading the update.

I'll update tomorrow don't worry. Bye and don't forget I love you 😍

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