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Becky PoV
Mr. Lee looked at us angrily and went inside the office. Freen and I looked at each other terrified and we supported each other. We went in after taking a deep sigh.

As we went in Mr. Lee bust out in front of all the subordinates . He shouted "What's happening ladies are you guys out of your mind. You know how much humiliation I have to face because of you both. You both are unbelievable. Really married? How can you let our department down."

I raged back "Sir we haven't done anything unlawful or illegal. We just loved each other and we have married just like the other couples there nothing wrong we can see and more over it's a personal matter."

Mr. Lee said "No one's gonna tolerate your act Miss. Rebecca. I'm sure you're the one behind all this. Miss. Sarocha is innocent...."

Freen said holding my hand "Sorry sir but you can't accuse my wife. Whatever we did, we did it with each other's consent. And of course I love my wife."

He became silent and sighed heavily. I know Freen is the best officer and he just can't fire her like that. He has some personal issues with my dad so he don't like me but Freen she is the best.

He said looking at me "Ok now I'm giving both of you a month time and within this period you have to solve Sarah's case or you both are going to resign."

Freen looked at me and I looked back. We both nodded at each other saying we can do it baby. And Freen said confidently "Ok Mr. Lee let's make this a deal."

He nodded and left the office in rage. Other employees just enjoyed the drama. And reports were peeking though the station window. All were seeing at us like a criminal even though we have done nothing wrong. I don't know when people will understand.

We both went to office without speaking to anyone. As we came in Freen said "Becky we need to hurry up before things get worse."

I nodded and said "Let's start today you meet Nop and I'll have a conversation with Heng."

She nodded and left. I walked back and forth in the office. I called Heng and he arrived. I asked him to take a seat. He sat and said "Congratulations Miss. Rebecca."

I said "Thank you I know you're not happy so don't pretend to be and stay away from my wife I know you have a crush...."

He cut me off and said "No Miss. Rebecca I have no interest in your wife. By the way I'm not happy but neither I'm sad at it. Anyway why did you call me?"

Such a attitude he has. I hate him. I said "Mind your tongue Mr. Heng your also a suspect in this case so don't act too smart."

He chuckled as though I said a joke and said "If you're suspecting me then be ready to loose your job Miss."

I said "Stop it you idiot. Say my every thing about Sarah, every detail."

He said "What do you think? You would threaten me and I would say you everything."

He giggled now he is getting on my nerves. I took out my gun in frustration and pointed at his head. I said "Speak up Mr. Heng or be ready to die. Anyway I'll loose the job."

Now it was my turn to smirk. He gulped and said "Ok I'll give you the details."

I took my gun away and said "That's like a good man. Now tell me about Saint do you know him. Where is he?"

Heng said "That.. hmm. He is.. I don't know."

I know he lied because he was nervous and sweating when he heard Saints name. Maybe he has.. no . I said "Come on speak up. Where is Saint?"

Now he looked all nervous not knowing how to speak up. He finally gave up and said "He is dead Miss. Rebecca."

I said "What?"

This was never recorded in the files and not even his body was found. Heng then took a glass of water and drank it fully in one go. He was sweating badly and he was scared after saying the fact.

I said "Where is his body and why is it not mentioned in the records?"

He said "I can't give you further details Miss. Rebecca I'm out if I give I'll anyway be dead. He is too dangerous than you or Miss. Sarocha. He watches every moves of yours and I don't know who is his next target since you have married her."

What I was his next target? Is it Nop? He is the one who I was about to marry. Why would he spare me if I marry Freen? What's happening?

My head was spinning like hell. Heng went out after that leaving lot's of questions in my head unanswered. He did help me a bit with the case but now it became more creepy.

............TO BE CONTINUED...........

Guys it's getting trilled already can you guess the murderer? Let's see who can 😏.

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