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Becky's PoV
I woke up from my sleep. Yesterday was really a tiring day. I went to bathroom and took a warm bath. I wore my uniform and came out. I was passing by my sister room and she looked at me.

I said "Hey Ruby isn't it mine?"

She said "It was yours now it's mine."

It is my favourite bracelet she is wearing. I don't use it but I don't want to give it to her. I went to her room and stanched it from her hand. I said "Ruby you dumb ass don't touch my things or I'll hit you."

She said "But Becky I want that give me."

We both fought for that for a while until mom came to the room. She shouted "You idiots started already."

We immediately left the bracelet and it fell on the ground. I lowered my head for sure we will get a nice lecture now. Mom said "Miss. Rebecca aren't you late now? Why always fight with your sister."

I said "Mom she took my bracelet."

Mom said "You no longer use it so let her. Why are you back of it?"

I said "But it's my favourite."

She sighed and said "Now leave both of you."

We nodded and left. I glared at Ruby and gave a dead stare to her. It's all because of her. If she had not touched my things.

We came down and had breakfast. Everything was silent like pin drop silent in a classroom. I just ate quick and left.

I heard a new officer is coming to our station to help me with the case. But I really don't need any. I saw her profile yesterday and when I saw her photo I was lost in her beautiful eyes and hot body. I wish I could have her but what about my mom.

I just took my bike and rode off to the police station. I was excited to see her as well as nervous. As I reached there everybody were busy to welcome the new officer. Heng, my junior looked very happy.

I said "Hey Heng you look so happy what's the matter?"

He said smiling ear to ear "Nothing Ma'am it's just I know her well. Before I was transferred here I worked for her. She is really very brave and good."

He smiled like mad endlessly. I don't know what's matter with him. I just pretended not to see. catching everbody attaintion a gorgeous women entered. Everbody greeted and saluted her but she didn't give a shit to them. She surpassed me and went to my office room. Maybe she pressumed I was inside.

I went behind her and greeted her with a salute. She turned with confusion and said "Are you Inspector Rebecca?"

Wow what a cheerful voice just like her hot body. She said bringing me out of thoughts "Hey I'm speaking to you."

I said "Yes MADAM"

She said "Hmm come take your seat let's discuss about the case."

I nodded and quickly went to my seat. I was just lost in her ocean eyes and hot body. I wonder why Heng laughed like a mad earlier. Really she is dam HOT. She said again bringing me out of thought "Hey fast open the file."

I nodded and quickly opened the case file of unsolved mysetry of Sarah. Really it's a case I have never seen before in my life. Whenever I open this file I feel uncomfartable and after seeing her dead body photo's my soul leaves my body. It's really more than brutal. The way the victim has suffered, Oh GOD can never be this mercyless.

She was going through the file while I just starred at her beautiful face. She said "Well do you have any suspects?"

I nodded No. Really no suspects. I couldn't even find who was the father of that child she was carrying. She mumbled "You are useless."

What did she just insult me? No she can't be doing that. This is really a though case. I said in rage "Excuse me what did you just say?"

She said "I said 'You are useless'"

I said "OK then you're very useful so solve the case in a month and I'll resign for sure and if you can't then you'll take orders from me ok"

She said "That's not a big deal."

I said "You agree or not?"

She said "Ok deal"

With that I smirked. She will surely loose as this case is really 5 months older and no proper evidence how would she slove in a month, However I should be more concerned on making her fall for me.

......TO BE CONTINUED.........

Hey guys enjoy the story ok

what do you think will Freen be able to solve the case?

will becky resign?

How will they get close when they're already fighting on their first day?

keep guessing ok ?


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