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Becky's PoV
I woke up to see a white ceiling . So many pipes attached to my body. I immediately got up the bed but I got a pain in my stomach. I was about to catch that slut.

I got up forcefully. I was very mad at Freen as well. How can she let someone touch her? Fuck that bitch. I'll punish Freen later. I removed the pipes and got up from the bed. I saw Mom and Ruby enter the room.

I was so happy to see them but were they here to separate me and Freen again. No I don't want that to happen. I'll not react to them.

Mom said "Becky what are you doing. Lay down you're not well."

I didn't react and started to walk. I was about to fall when Ruby held me. I wonder where Freen was? Why is she not here? Did she catch the murderer already?

Ruby helped me go to washroom. I said "Ruby where is Freen?"

She teased "Oh you can't leave with her without a minute ha?" She giggled. I slapped her hand but got hurt. She against teased me "So I say we should thank the person who helps you not beat them."

I just sighed I don't have energy to fight with her. I said "Please say me is Freen ok?"

Ruby sighed and said "Yes she is outside. You know that mom can..."

I said "What did mom say?"

Ruby said "Hmm.. well.. she... said..."

I looked at her and she finally said "She said you both can never be like a normal couple there and you can't be legal."

I sighed deeply and said "Can you call Freen? She might be upset by now."

Ruby nodded and helped me out. She finally called Freen. Freen came in but she didn't look at me in eyes. I know exactly how she feels. I said "Freen please help me."

Freen immediately came towards me. She said "Are you ok Becky? Do you want something?"

I looked at my mom who didn't speak a word after I ignored her. I said "Look mom how much she cares about me. She didn't even run after the culprit when he was so close instead she saved me. Look that's how much she loves me. Can you even understand mom."

Freen said "Becky don't speak like that to your mom."

Mom said " Stop acting Freen. Enough of making my daughter a fool. I know exactly who you are."

I said "Mom please go away if you're here to spoil our relationship. We are good with each other."

Mom said " Becky you'll soon regret it as you learn the truth. I just wanted to warn you. You're going to suffer a lot."

I said "Mom just leave."

Mom sighed and left the hospital. Ruby follow her after mouthing us sorry. Tears escaped my eyes but I held it not wanting Freen to see it. Freen dried my tears away and said "Everything will be fine Becky don't worry."

I just nodded and hugged her. I really love her scent. I don't know when I feel asleep.

A day in hospital was a hell but Freen was beside me so I didn't feel so bored. We soon went home. When we went there I saw high security throughout the building so I said "Freen what's this for?"

Freen didn't reply me. She bought me inside and I asked her again. She said "Becky I want you to be safe and your the next target I don't want anything to happen to you.."

I argued "But Freen I can protect myself.."

She said "No Becky listen to me, I can't afford to loose you. You're now out of this case and you're staying home.."

I said "What that's not happening Miss. Sarocha. I'll never listen to this...."

She said "Becky I'm your senior and you're listening to me.."

I said "No I'm not. I can't be in home. Even if I die I don't care..."

Freen slapped me and said "Becky why do you want to die? Do you know what you're speaking? Do you..."

I said "Oh now you're beating your wife?"

I went away from her. I never expected she would slap me for this things. And what I'm not listening to her. I'll do as I wish. I didn't become a police just to run away from problems. Freen came close to me but I said "No don't touch me."

She said "Becky I'm sorry I was just.."

I said "No don't be.. I'm not listening to you and I'm not staying here anymore."

.............TO BE CONTINUED........

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