"I only had the rope and her silky ribbon at the time. Besides, I want to hear her voice when she begs for more," the dark promise within the words had Allie swallowing a whimper before it could escape and inform them of how much she wanted the promise to come true.

It was something they did not need to know yet and something she was not ready to admit.

Chester's purr instantly started, obviously pleased with Madness' explanation.

"Oh my whiskers, oh my fur. Alice, my dear, we have been waiting for you," another familiar voice spoke as the sound of a chair moved to the left of Allie, making her turn her head again at the sound. "How could you be so late to the tea party?"

"It sounds like I am not the only late one... uh..." Realizing she did not know his name, Allie's comeback did not hold the waspish she was currently feeling.

"Albus, my dear. The name is Albus."

Allie's nose twitched at the boastfulness that came with his words.

"Why can't I see?" She finally asked, deciding to ignore the one who gave her a laced drink and pushed her down a hole.

Still feeling a little ashamed at how easy he got me to drink that bottle.

"Oh, that's very simple," Madness spoke nonchalantly. There was a pause as he took a sip of his tea, at least that's what Allie figured was happening from the small sipping sound and the clink of a cup meeting the saucer.

"I used the ribbon that was in your hair to blindfold you."

Allie should have been furious. She should have felt angry and violated for getting one of her senses taken away, but all she felt was a rush of excitement coursing through her veins and her body instantly warming up with need.

"Now that you are conscious, we have an important matter to discuss. I will take your blindfold off for now."

Not even a moment after he spoke, Allie felt Madness undo the tie of her ribbon before pulling it off her eyes, making her blink numerous times at the sudden light.

When she was able to focus, she took in her surroundings with a small gasp.

She was laying in the middle of a long table with a dark, lacey cloth underneath her. Various tea pots and tea cups with saucers were scattered about, not in front of any particular person nor in an organized way. Each set was white with dark colored flowers and vibrant green leaves and vines. There were several stacks of teacups piled high with an invisible force pouring tea from a teapot, the steaming liquid cascading down into each cup until it reached the bottom, to which it never spilt over but stayed the same amount of tea, almost as if there was a set limit and just disposed of any extra magically.

There were many different fruits and cheeses on little square plates as well as short, black steel candelabras every few feet, each one with three lit candle sticks that helped ward off the twilight that was spilling through the coverage of trees. The candle wax was dripping at an alarming rate, leaving puddles of it all around the candelabras and ruining some of the elegance that seemed to be trying to show itself within the setting.

To make matters odder, Allie spotted a large red and white mushroom sprouting from the table cloth itself near the head of the table. She noticed smoke billowing around it, the whole thing being so out of place she could not understand why it was amongst the teaware. A subtle wind cleared some of the smoke to which she spotted Kama on the mushroom, lounging in a lazy way while watching her.

When he noticed her looking at him, Kama took a long deep drag from his pipe. He paused for a second as he pulled the pipe away, making sure he still had her attention before releasing his breath. The smoke that drifted out of his mouth gathered around him again, until red glowing eyes peeked out and connected with her blue ones.

Allie in WonderlustWhere stories live. Discover now