Chapter 3

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Allie shifted her weight from one foot to the other as she stared at the dilapidated house on the outskirts of the city.

The cab driver had looked at her weird when she gave him the address, then asked her when he dropped her off if she was sure the house was the correct place.

Allie had hesitated, tempted to tell him to bring her to the closest bar within the city. But she just thanked him for his worry and paid him so he could leave.

Now she really wished she stayed in the cab.

She brought her attention back to the house, taking in the boarded up windows and the broken down doorway. Part of the roof was collapsed in, making her believe she could probably see the night sky from one of the upstairs bedrooms. The front porch looked like it was about to fall apart at the simplest breeze with its many broken boards and rickety steps. And the lawn was overgrown with weeds and tall grass. Occasionally she could see a flower, but it was swamped by the overgrowth.

She looked down at the house number on the card, then up at the house. Sure enough, the numbers were there but just barely hanging on.

Allie glanced around her.

There was nothing but overgrown fields, sections of wired fences, and dirt roads. Not a neighbor in sight.

Sighing again for the umpteenth time that night, Allie reached for her purse to pull out her phone. Just as she was about to dial the number for a cab, a gust of wind swept through, causing her hair and the skirt of her blue and white A-line dress to lift slightly.

Allie did not bother to pull down her dress. There was no one around, and to put it simply, she cannot control the wind.

However, footsteps from behind her made her freeze her thumb on the first number.

A slight blush touched her cheeks at the thought of someone seeing her bare ass as she had opted out of wearing underwear with the full intention of getting fucked that night.

She turned her head slightly, her eyes widening at the sight coming towards her.

A man in a pure white suit was walking towards her, a relaxed vibe coming off him. He was tall, taller than her by a head and a half, with white hair.

Allie's eyes scanned him, taken aback by his presence and attire.

He does not belong to this neighborhood.

She took in the fact he was not wearing a shirt, nor a waist coat, under the jacket. The pants were dangerously low, though with the help of the black leather belt they stayed up to Allie's disappointment, and as he walked the jacket would move just enough to catch a glimpse of his taunt abs and deep V.

Allie could not help but lick her lips at the sight of such a rather unique and delicious specimen.

As he got closer, she looked up to his face and her mouth opened slightly. He was handsome, in a Calvin Klein model way with his clean shaven square jaw, white hair veiling over his eyes, and slightly plump pink lips.

He stopped when he was next to Allie, his gaze fixed on the house.

Opening her mouth to address the newcomer, the man shifted his attention to her. His head tilted down to look upon her, causing the hair that was over his eyes to move out of the way.

Allie sucked in a surprise breath.

His eyes were red.

Like an albino rabbit.

The thought made Allie look away in confusion.

Why a rabbit?

Looking back at him, she saw he was smirking before turning back to the house. He started to walk up the rickety stairs until he was in front of the door.

Allie in WonderlustWhere stories live. Discover now