Chapter 6

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The sky was beginning to darken as Allie walked the swirling trail. The altostratus sky that she had walked into from the shrinking door was becoming a nimbostratus type of sky as the hours passed by, making her wonder if it was going to rain.

She was cold and tired, the small ache between her thighs and fire within her lower belly doing nothing to keep her warm.

The flowers had long ago stopped throwing vulgar insults at her when she did not respond, especially now that the shock of such flowers existing had worn off.

Allie paused in the middle of the stoned path, staring at the scenery that seemed to go on forever.

Where is this tea party? How long is this drug trip going to last?

Feeling quite defeated and silly for the events that have happened and are continuing to happen, Allie sighed while unraveling the black ribbon she kept around her wrist.

She used the ribbon to pull her hair into a low ponytail to keep her hair out of her face, the wind picking up enough to get strands obscuring her sight.

Looking around the field of numerous flowers and oddly placed weeping willow trees, Allie played with the idea of resting under a nearby tree.

But the thought did not last long as she heard a loud screech coming from the sky.

Lips parted in surprise, Allie looked up to see something flying in the distance.

A gasp escaped her as she realized that a creature she had never seen before was flapping its bird-like wings and coming close enough for her to make out its body. Her face paled, recognizing it from fairytales.

"Holy shit it's a Gryphon," she whispered.

Another loud screech came from the creature, making Allie hunch down and cover her ears.

When silence followed, Allie wasted no time in running towards the nearest tree. She ignored the protests of the flowers, some grabbing her dress or her legs, but her frantic running and need for safety was easily ripping them from their stems and soil.

Once she reached the tree, she parted the veil of long branches and went inside its coverage. She pressed her back against the trunk, looking above her to see if she could spot the Gryphon.

The thickness of the branches and leaves made it nearly impossible to see the sky, which gave Allie comfort in knowing the creature was not going to be able to see her hiding.

Until she heard it land on the path with a loud thump!

Allie held her breath and pressed herself harder into the tree, the bark on the trunk pinching her skin.

She could hear the growls and it sniffing around the area she was previously at. Which made her eyes widen at the possibility that it could smell her scent all the way to the tree.

Panic seizing her insides, Allie looked around her to hopefully find a better hiding spot that could also kill her scent.

The idea would be possible if it wasn't for the constant need of satisfaction clawing at her insides.

Making me wetter than an otter's pocket.

Allie's face twisted at the picture, silently chastising herself for the odd thought.

The sounds of large paws slowly walking closer to her caused her to suddenly look up and latch onto a tree branch. She lifted herself up as silent as she could until she was able to swing her feet onto the branch. She continued this with several higher branches until she was near the top, curling into a ball with her arms wrapped around the trunk.

Allie in WonderlustOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora