Chapter 8

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Allie was unable to do anything other than stare into Madness' orange button eye.

"You are asking for permission to wreck me?"

Almost as if insulted, Madness snapped at her, "of course we are asking for permission! Above everything that we are, we are gentlemen first."

Glancing over at Chester, Allie gave a puzzled look.

"Chester never asked."

"Ah, yes. I know about that. He was trying to ground you, save you from your panic that apparently was rendering you breathless. Even though all intentions were good, Chester will be dealt with accordingly," Madness glared at the Cat-like man, making Chester hiss and bare his teeth.

"No!" she yelled, surprisingly all of them.

Clearing her throat, she tried to keep her voice even, "no, it is ok. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I can't thank him enough for helping me."

A happy purr slipped out of Chester, his wide smile returning with a hint of relief in his eyes.

"What happens if I decline?" she whispered, bringing the conversation back to their question.

"You will be sent back to that joyless, boring world to live a life without immense pleasure," he replied quickly, his fingers starting to dig into the table.

"I-I don't know," she looked away, ashamed she could not decide what to do.

In reality, she knew she should outright say no and leave the odd world, but something inside of her made her heart squeeze in a painful way, as if leaving would create a hole in her chest and she would never be the same.

Legs beginning to shake and her core aching, Allie had finally allowed herself to come to terms about what she wanted.

To be honest, it was what her pussy wanted. Driving her mad from the aching, the clenching, the dripping arousal. All of it was pushing her to answer Madness with that single word they wanted to hear and the word she desperately wanted to say to get relief.

To get a type of satisfaction she never thought could possibly exist.

Allie parted her lips, a desperate whimper spilling out in replace of the word she tried to say.

Looking up at Madness, she knew he understood.

With a snap of his finger, he whispered his next words.

"Change places."

Allie watched as everything around her became a whirlwind of colors at his words. The only thing that seemed to stay still was the table under her.

From the sudden change, her stomach dropped as nausea made itself known.

But just as quickly as everything appeared, it disappeared.

She was in the same position, on the same table, with the same people.

But, the people were in different places.

Madness was not in her line of sight, but Chester was close to her on her left while Albus was on the right.

The teacups, teapots, and clocks were rearranged too, as if to follow those that changed their places. The chairs that Albus and Chester were sitting on were floating high into the air and upside down.

Though the teapot and teacup that Madness was using before was still at the head of the table with an antique chair that she had not noticed before.

Suddenly, Allie felt something cold trail up her inner thigh.

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