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────   judge : yessiekookie16 ────


COVER : 3/5

The cover doesn't suit the theme, In my perspective, it looks more like a romantic cover than paranormal, the only part that makes it seem like a horror story is the bite that I think Taehyung did on Jungkook's neck.

TITLE : 5/5

I found it unique that the title and the story went together smoothly. Though the title does seem cliche, I think this is the only word that would tease the title throughout the story.

BLURB : 3/5

The description didn't catch much of my attention, I wish the author could add fewer questions and more about what will happen other than Jungkook getting possessed.


I'm sure the first chapters aren't the best, since we all change as we write, but the first chapter didn't capture my attention, especially with all those errors. I would recommend the author fix the errors not only did the first chapter but the others as well.


Punctuation isn't something hard to do, I wish the author could take this as advice. I did see how much progress you made in most of your stories, so I know this was an older book and grammar is something we lacked before but I would recommend the author to re-edit this story again.


The style is something I loved about the story, quite simple and unique. Just don't be pausing the sentence mid-way. For example 'We went to the haunted house. We went together.' Instead, say 'We went together to the haunted house.' It goes smoothly and it's easier to understand.

PLOT : 15/15

I have to say, I thought it was going to be a typical story of a ghost possessing a person but I was quite surprised that there was a story behind why Taehyung possessed Jungkook, which included Taehyung, Yoongi, and Jungkook being together in their past lives.

PACE : 6/10

The pace was quite fast, I was shocked to know that Taehyung and Jungkook were already in a relationship, we didn't even see how they got closer together.


Emotions were quite plain, I wish I could experience much of their emotions, but they were described in a small amount of words.

PARADISE KPOP AWARDSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora