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────   judge : BUZZBANGTAN  ────


COVER : 02/05

The cover is not up to my expectations.

TITLE : 03/05

Looks good, but doesn't show a lot of meaning and also, isn't as unique.

BLURB : 03/05

Incorrect use of ellipsis there. I have noticed they also have used periods in the places of commas. Word building is incorrect as well. And the blurb didn't make me curious.


I have noticed they use '2' instead of 'two'. Numbers in a story itself should be written in words through the alphabet and I saw they use the easier way which is not okay.

In the first chapter, they wrote a line that said "It felt like it was drilling holes in my head just by the gaze." I believe just by the gaze again is too much usage of words when they already described that they're talking about a gaze being on Y/N. They also said, "I wonder why I feel a gaze at me though."

There should be on instead of at in a sentence I came across. I found many errors. They also wrote a poem in the book which I liked a lot since it's hard for me to write poems. I believe they did well in that part. They have used as in place of since or because many times.

The first chapter was still interesting enough. Although, I have cut three marks because of the errors the writing held.


They seem to be using a new words, which is good. But the errors when it came to commas, periods, and ellipsis, are not right. There were too many grammatical errors which led me into giving the marks above.


The writing style is good. And also I think there could've been much better names than dark, light, cottagecore, and cottagegore. It just seems too simple to me. A new and unique name could've been much better for me.

The author does seem to have a beautiful writing style. Although, the errors in it make the beauty fade.

At first, I was going to give eight, but then I saw the author also using things like these in her book.

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