Finnaly! I'm an adventurer... i think? (part 2)

Start from the beginning

I took a deep breath to regain my composure. I stepped back forward and stood still, trying my hardest to relax my body. I had already made a plan and I only have a single chance at executing it. I need to make this count! I took out the metal dagger from its holster and held it in my right hand with a backwards grip.

"So this is what it's like to face an opponent stronger than you" I thought. This was a valuable lesson.




"Begin!" Efil shouted.

Without a second notice I used my Race skill : (dash) which gave me a boost of speed. Within less than a tenth of a second of an eye I reached Alex and tried to slash him with my dagger. Alex, sparing no wasted movements, gracefully blocked my first strike. We locked blades, my dagger to his one handed sword. It was now a battle of strength. Knowing that he is stronger than me, I had to make the first move once again. Using the fact I was using a shorter weapon than him I had to be as close as possible as to not give him any space to work with as he has a longer and less agile weapon compared to my small and light daggers.

Instead of backing off the deadlock, I twisted the dagger outwards from my hand making Alex's sword slide off the blade, at the same time, I lowered my body stance while leaning towards him and began preparing the next strike. As expected he didn't panic and was able to react accordingly as he preemptively prepared to block my next strike.


The sound of metal hitting metal echoed around the grassy arena. We were both in another deadlock, though this time I was in a more favourable position. Being close to him should limit his movement. But I was totally wrong...


Next thing I knew was that I was launched backwards. Managing to land on my feet, I look back up towards Alex again, his leg lifted meaning he kicked me away. Surprisingly it didn't hurt as much as I was expecting. This was probably a perk of my skill : (pain resistance)

"You were to focus on the sword" he said to me in a tone reminiscent of an instructor teaching his disciples.

I was quite peeved as this was supposed to be a test but he was right, I was too preoccupied with his blade and I didn't consider other things like his legs or even magic. Looks like there is still a lot of learning I need to do. After all this was still quite new to me, given some time I think I can adapt well. I was a massive gamer after all, the concept of it should be at least similar.

After I was done with my self evaluation, I got back up and held back into my original pose. This time I won't be making the same mistake. I stood my ground and waited till he approached me. I had a plan after all. I took another breath to calm down my nerves.

Sensing me holding my ground, he decided to make the next move. Moving faster than even me, lucky with sixth sense and mana eyes I was still able to react to him in time to side step his lunge. But even then it was still closer than I would have liked.

Using the advantage I got from sidestepping his attack, I launched my own attack. But still, even with an advantageous position he was still able to block and doge my relentless attacks.

"Come on? Is that all you've got?" he asked

"..." I replied another barrage of attack

"Hmm, since you won't answer, how about I end this battle then?"

Instead of dodging my next attack he decided to parry it. Hitting my dagger at the perfect angle launching it out of my hand into the sky. He then pointed his sword towards my neck. His face held a disapproving face. I guess he expected more from the person that will be recommended. Well he will get what he wants!

Suddenly Alex is launched with immense force backwards, using his sword like a ski pole to stop his excess momentum. He was confused, he was sure that the battle should have ended. How was I able to hit him? He was sure that I was disarmed, did she use her fist? No that's impossible, based on her force with the dagger strikes, there was no way that her punch could hold this amount of force.

So how did I do it? What was my trump card? It was my soul bound weapon, the rose gold sword. As much as I wanted to hide it, I felt like I didn't have any choice if I wanted to at least impress him. This was my only chance to win.

Back to the fight, Alex looked upwards but he lost sight of me, who used the moment of confusion to dash beside him. Holding up the rose gold sword preparing to strike

this was my chance!

As I swung downward with the rose good sword, Alex's lips seemed to be moving. Everything became slow as I focused on his lips.

"from the clouds above, let the lightning flow through me." He whispered

Was he chanting magic? This is very bad. I have to reach him first!

With all my strength I could muster, this was the final swing!

"Let the lightning dance! Electrosurge!" He exclaimed, as the white noise seemingly disappeared.

His left hand was overflowing with lightning, crackling and quivering. He pointed his lifted hand towards me as a shock of lightning flew out in my direction.

It was a battle of speed, the lightning or me. Could I even win this battle? Even though I knew it was a losing battle, I still wanted to give my best!

It all depended on this one swing!

"AHHHHH!" With 110 percent of my strength i swung, betting on a miracle.


I was too slow...

Word count : 1445

Ayeee, part 2 is out! After.... I don't want to say it T-T

Sorry for not uploading umm... Finnaly, I'm an adventurer... I think part 3 will come out either today or tomorrow so yeah be hype about that (maybe)

Life just be tough so yeah sorry. I'll try to keep up the pace. See you in the next chapter, don't want to take too much of your time.

Ps: Genji

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