Chapter 23 : 106 Brothers

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Putri Draupadi,

I know right now you and Karn both are in very delicate state of emotions. It's expected, Putri. But listen to this old man first.

Putri, I knew Karn was my grandson years ago. But his birth was very delicate. I couldn't just say it out aloud. You are a sensible person. Try to understand.

Kunti was scared. The situation in Aryavarta regarding reputation and children is like an obsession. They do anything for them.

Karn's birth is different so is his situation. His anger, hatred  towards us is completely justified. But Putri, his younger brothers and mother are suffering immensely after that day. They desperately want to meet him.

Putri, please spare some thoughts to this old man's request. If anyone can talk to him now is only you. Please mend this family together.


Draupadi sighs reading the letter. What can she do in this case? What Mata Kunti did was naive and stupid. There's no justification of her deeds. Only if Karn wants to forgive her, the situation will be normal.

And Pandavas. Even if they didn't know Karn is their eldest brother, their behavior was horrible towards Karn. Especially Bheem and Arjun. They humiliated him every chance they got. Why the sudden respect only because of his birth? A person should be respected despite their birth.

While Draupadi was pondering about the letter and what to do, the situation was far worse in Hastinapur.

Duryodhana frowned looking at the people in the room. Why the sudden summoning?

"Pranipath Pitamah, Mata Kunti," Duryodhana stood beside Yudhisthir.

He frowned looking at the Pandavas. They were petrified standing.

"Is everything alright?" Duryodhana asks again.

"Putra, where are your brothers?" Dhritrastra asks.

"It's better they don't come. They fight the moment they meet Pandavas, Pitashree," Duryodhana sighs.

"This can't go on. Why aren't you two doing anything to solve it Yudhisthir, Duryodhana?" Bhism inquires.

"Pitamah, if you ask about this. I might add I have told them to avoid Pandavas. And they do. But apparently some people finds it amusing to provoke someone," Duryodhana glares at Arjun.

"Duryodhana," Yudhisthir interferes weakly

"Or maybe they could have listened to their Jyest who stands like a statue in a corner," Duryodhana says.

"Don't glare at our Jyest," Bheem growls.

"Stop it," Bhisma's voice thundered.

Duryodhana sighs. This won't end.

"Pitamah, what did you summon us so urgently for?" Duryodhana asks.

"Because we need to bring your eldest brother back," Bhism says.

Duryodhana looks at Yudhisthir confused.

"But Yudhisthir is here, Pitamah," Duryodhana says confused.

"He isn't your eldest," Bhism says.

Duryodhana's patience broke. Why is everyone speaking in riddles? What doe sit mean that Yudhisthir isn't eldest.

"Pitamah, I don't understand," he gathers the last of his patience.

"Karn, whom you regarded as your brother all this time is your Jyest brother. He is the eldest of you all," Bhisma says.

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