Chapter 1: The Trio

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Duryodhana is suffering with extreme headache. Even looking at them lowers is blood pressure. Karn and Ashwatthama, some people are born for celibacy and these two are exactly that. Duryodhana has tried to make Ashwatthama understand why he can't scold a princess because she confessed to him. He began to say it's adharm, it's not right and what not. Duryodhana wanted to knock some sense in his friend but was harshly ignored by him. After Karn came, he scolded him instead! Can anyone believe this! He, the evil prince Duryodhana got scolded!

"Mitra, I pity the woman who will marry you in future," Duryodhana said.

"I won't marry, Mitra. Love, marriage, family has no meaning in my life," Karn answered with his always serious demeanor.

Duryodhana looked at Ashwatthama for support who shook his head in agreement with Karn.

"Radhey is speaking the truth, Mitra. Women are the synonym of problems," Ashwatthama stated like its universal truth.

Duryodhana patted his heart. He has never met people this much uninterested in love and women. Are they really men? His gaze travelled lower.

"Duryodhana," both his friends glared at him.

Duryodhana scratched his head.

"Now, let's come to the real point. Panchal Princess Draupadi's swayamvar is going to be held in a week. Mitra Karn I heard you got an invitation as well. Mitra Ashwatthama are you going?" Duryodhana asked.

"No, but I am invited. Pitashree told me to consider King Draupad's children as my siblings. So, Draupadi is my sister," Ashwatthama answered.

Panchali Princess, Draupadi, the second fire born child King Draupad got through Yagna. She is called the most beautiful woman to walk on earth. She is born with so many boons. She is Yagnaseni, Yojanganda, Nityayuvani, Krishnaa. She will be changing the fate of Aryavarta. She is a divine woman and the jewel of Aryavarta.

"She is a born princess, mitra. She is definitely waiting for some prince," Karn said.

"And you are a king of Anga, mitra. You have full capacity of winning her swayamvar," Duryodhana said.

"No, Mitra. I don't want to give any princess the misery of marrying a Sutaputra," Karn stated.

Both Duryodhana and Ashwatthama glared at him. They have tried multiple times to get him away from saying such things about himself but they couldn't. He has build a wall around himself so thick that they aren't able to go pass it.

"I have to go according to Pitamah's order. Mitra please accompany me," Duryodhana was persistent.

"I heard the Pandavas are invited as well. Arjun also has the capacity to win," Ashwatthama stated.

"He is a child, Ashwatthama. What will he do with a wife?" Duryodhana laughed.

Well, he might not like the Pandavas too much but they are cousins. And Arjun is a child literally. He can't imagine him getting married anytime sooner. Besides his elder brothers are unmarried. How can he before them?

"Okay, I will accompany you, Mitra. But I am not participating in the swayamvar in any way," saying that Karn went away for his evening prayer. Only if he turned around and see the huge smile on Duryodhana's face, he would definitely be scared.

In Panchal.....

The fire born princess is strolling in the garden with her Sakha.

"Sakha, whom did you say can perform the task?" Draupadi asked.

"Me, your beloved sakha. Angraj Karn and Panduputra Arjun," Krishna answered.

"Tell me about the last two person," Draupadi giggled.

Rewritten DestinyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora