Chapter 14: Dark Torment

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Work was busy as hell and it wasn't helping that Vincent would get distracted any time Ryder was near him.

Standing here, in Gabriel's office, Vincent went over details concerning a few estate deals and payments. But he found himself glancing back to where Ryder sat on the couch. His long legs were crossed at the knee and he wore all black. The light from the tall windows bathed him in light; it was as if he was painted and captured as a muse by the sun. He held his phone in his tattooed hand, the long fingers that felt so good in Vincent's hair whenever they kissed were wrapped around the phone. Vincent followed along Ryder's hand towards his strong arm and then to his neck where Vincent left a hickey secretly when he woke up in Ryder's bed this morning.

He didn't know what was happening between them but he found himself being drawn to Ryder in a way he never thought about before. Or maybe, he had. Everything was blurred at this point. However, what was he going to do if Ryder decided to end this arrangement between them? How long were they going to just indulge this tension without answering what really was between them?

"V, can you- V? Vincent-" Gabriel's voice snapped Vincent out of his head.

"Er- what?" He faced Gabriel.

"Are you okay?" Gabriel asked as he sat in front of dozens of papers and Cassie by his side sorting through them.

"Yeah," Vincent answered stiffly.

"Doesn't seem like it," Gabriel said. "You've been distracted a lot lately. Anything you need to tell me?"

Yeah, I've been kissing my best friend and loving every moment of it that I don't want it to stop. I'm confused, horny and need at least six shots of vodka to calm myself down, he thought inwardly. "Nope, all's good," Vincent answered.

Gabriel raised a brow, which meant that he wasn't convinced. "Uh-huh."

Vincent gathered his files quickly. "If we're done then I'll get going," he said and hurried out of the office. Nothing was worse than being under Gabriel's gaze that always noticed everything.

The elevator doors pinged open and Vincent stepped inside. He didn't realize when Ryder joined his side and walked into the small, compact room alongside him. Vincent kept as much space as he could between them and stood in the far corner, his back against the railing and he clutched the files against his chest. He faced Ryder's broad back, the man stood confidently with his hands tucked in his pockets after the clicked the button for the law department.

Damn, Vincent's heart was racing in his chest. He didn't get it. He was never like this before. He always had a grip on himself. Why was he acting like a fucking inexperienced adolescent? He was a Centauri for god's sake. The pep-talk definitely didn't work when his eyes started tracing the contours of Ryder's broad back and down his long legs. He bit his lip painfully hoping he'd snap out of it. But his thoughts betrayed him. He could only sense Ryder's scent, it was wickedly dark and everything Vincent tried to ignore. But he couldn't, especially being so close in this damn elevator. He couldn't help but imagine Ryder against the elevator wall and them kissing the hell out of each other.

Vincent groaned and dropped his head on the wall behind him. "I feel like I'm going to die," he whispered.

Ryder turned his head. "Did you say something?" His tone clearly said that he was amused.

Vincent stared into those icy-blue eyes- the same ones from this morning in bed. "I hate you," he sulked.

Ryder threw him one his cocky grins that were sexy as hell, which pissed Vincent off even more. "I love it when you talk dirty to me, baby," he remarked.

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